

  • Gooch

  • so, we watched "jackass, the movie" tonight and it was pretty damn funny. thus, the title... its a new word i've learned and it was in the movie... maybe people across the land use this word, and i've never heard it. it doesn't compare to one of my more favorite words "cock-blocker" which is a word my love and his friends have used, and for a while, i would use it any chance i got. and it got out of control cause apparently, girls aren't supposed to say words like that. anyway, it feels so freakin late and it is barely 9:40pm, its a little weird. my love and i vegged almost the entire day today and just mostly slept. its been the first sunday in forever that we didn't go to auntie's condo so we just chilled. we also went to saturn to go test drive a car cause we could get a free black & white TV or a CD player. the ultimate goal was one of the grand prizes, which we chose a hot spa, but the consolation prize was the TV or the CD player. they didn't have them there (or the guy said they didn't have any left, but i don't believe it) so we are gonna have to wait until the end of the week to get it. anyway, we saw "the ring" last night and "jackass" tonight so it has been a weekend of some interesting movies. oooh... the paper cuts... geez louise.