

cancer is one mother fucker 

my coworker/friend's mom is dying of cancer. it's hard to gain perspective when you are knee deep in every day kind of crap, but the bigger picture is out there folks. it's hard for her to talk about it without crying and i don't want her to think i'm scared to talk to her about it, but i don't want to force her to talk either. life is funny. life is crazy. life gives you all kinds of shit to deal with all at once.


good riddance to bad rubbish..... 

Name Four Bad Habits You Have:
1. sleeping too much
2. being moody
3. talking really loud
4. eating before i go to bed

Name Four Things That You Wish You Could Have:
1. a bigger house with a bigger yard for my dogs
2. a forgiving nature
3. a faster metabolism
4. patience

Name Four Scents You Love:
1. the smell of softener coming out of a laundry room
2. white musk-always
3. after andy shaves
4. my mom's cooking!

Name Four People You Know Well:
1. me!
2. andrew
3. neneng
4. glenn

Name Four Things You'd Never Wear:
1. capris
2. those shirts with sleeves that are different from one another
3. ruffles on anything
4. slip in tennis shoes

Name Four Things You Are Thinking About Now:
1. i wish moving were easier
2. i wish i weren't at work
3. when are we going to buy our new mattress
4. i need to register for the princeton review for GRE

Name Four Things You Have Done Today:
1. had starbucks
2. kissed andy
3. fed my dogs
4. checked my email

Last Four Things You Have Bought:
1. starbucks
2. dinner for me and andy yesterday
3. brunch at hotel del
4. stuff at target

Name Four Groups/Bands Most People Don't Know You Like:
1. the jets
2. violent femmes
3. green day
4. jessica simpson

Name Four Drinks You Regularly Drink:
1. diet coke
2. water
3. OJ
4. hot tea

Last Words You Said - "i'm going to leave this timer right here for you, turn the page, and begin now..."

Last Song You Sang - My Place by Nelly

Last Person You Hugged - My husband... teehee, it makes me giggle

Last Thing You Laughed At - me and andy laughing at him singing "Somewhere over the rainbow"

Last Time You Said I Love You And Meant It - yesterday to andy

What's In Your CD Player? mixed CD

What Color Socks Are You Wearing? no socks, i'm wearing dress shoes

What's Under Your Bed? nothing, our mattress is sitting on the floor cause we're moving

What Time Did You Wake Up Today? 6:20am

Current Taste - Cinnamon Altoid

Current Hair - in a low chignon with chopsticks

Current Clothes - white button up shirt, camel colored slacks, black shoes and a white lab coat

Current Annoyance - knowing there's moving to do

Current Worry - when is my mom going to clean out her house so we can move in

Current Hate - no comment, but it's a person

Favorite Thing About The Opposite Sex - boys don't act like girls and girls act like poopy alot of the time

Favorite Place To Be - in my bed with andy and my dogs

Least Favorite Place - in a hospital waiting room - oh , the germs!

If You Could Play An Instrument - piano

Favorite Color - lavender

Do You Believe In An Afterlife? absolutely

How tall are you? a smidgeon below 5 feet

Current Favorite Word/Saying - "oh, no you dii -ent"

Favorite Season - spring

Favorite Day - right now it's saturdays

Where Would You Like To Go? home

What Is Your Career Going To Be Like? rewarding


you either ride or die with me.... 

one of andy's friend's girlfriend said that to him. it was hilarious. but anyway, here i am at work on a conference call at work, and it's nice that i get this opportunity to blog since i don't really have time otherwise. :)

so, we're all in the process of moving. the switcharooni is supposed to take place in the next couple of weeks. if you haven't heard, my mom is moving in with neneng, all of them are moving into a new house, and me, andy, and kyle are buying my mom's house and moving into there. packing has been such a pain in my fanny. it's hard to decide if you should throw stuff away now, or pack it all up and throw it away in the unpacking process. it makes my head spin.

oh, we went up to hollywood a couple of weeks ago to hang out with a couple of andy's friends. we went to luckystrike, which is a fancy shmancy hollywood-ish bowling alley. we had dinner there and when we were finishing up, jonathan silverman walked in. not earthshattering celebrity, but interesting enough.

alright, we're about to get off the conference call. one last thought: SHARK BAIT.... HOO...HAHA