

Dr. McPepper
what a weird day we had yesterday. i'm at work right now and i feel so out of it. i might be able to go home early, so that is a plus. me and andy didn't get home until 3am..... the psychotic part is that we left arizona at 1pm. WOOOHOOO!!! i was told i can leave early, so screw blogging.... i'm goin home!


watching "lord of the rings" on DVD in the car
so andy and i are in arizona. we got here at 9am our time (10am their time since they don't do daylight savings). it has been an insane day. i can't even begin to describe. it really is a big blur. andy and i left around 3am this morning. it was so crazy. we were supposed to leave last night, but with the installation of the toilet and me trying to pack while i was doing a whole bunch of other stuff, we didn't get around to packing up the car until 1am. we were just going to put all our crap in the car and sleep until 4am and then just leave, but we didn't finish until around 2am since it was only the two of us loading up the big screen in the explorer, so andy just was like "let's leave now" so i said "alright." it was going to be him driving first, so i could sleep anyway. and we weren't even planning on bringing meya because of the TV, but when i saw there was still some room in the car after the tv was in, i decided to bring her. we're such suckers. we have tried twice to leave her behind and let neneng take care of her, but at the last minute when i realize how sad i'm going to be that she won't be with us, i irrationally decide to bring her. i think one of the only times she didn't go somewhere with us was when we went to tahoe and that was only because there was no way in hell that she could have come because our cabin didn't allow pets. and i was so miserable. but anyway....i slept in the car for the first 3 hours and right around the time we passed yuma, i finally woke up. i drove the last hour and a half, and i have pretty much been driving this entire day because andy only got to sleep for 45 minutes. we got more christmas presents today! andy's dad and stepmom gave us gift certificates even though they already gave us a gift. andy got a gift certificate to claim jumper (since he loves the chocolate chip calzone) and i got two $25 gift certificates for target. you can never go wrong with those. and andy's mom also got me the facial sauna that i wanted and a new crock pot. i have a crock pot, but i wanted a bigger one for when i entertain many guests. :) lol... anyway, we went to the mall and they are having their half yearly sale at nordstrom's and i found a new pair of roxy house slippers. they are nice. and only 20 bucks. i really liked my last ones, but they are hanging on their last thread, i think. another cool thing happened today, too. andy's uncle is going to give him something he has been wanting for a VERY long time. i don't want to say what it is yet until we have it completely, but it is awesome. well, i'm pooped and pretty delirious. andy and his mom are playing this "bop it" game. has anyone ever heard of it? everyone over here plays it. it's like a simon says kinda thing. anyway, the title has to do with the gift that neneng gave ronald for xmas. the portable DVD player. they let us borrow it... thanks, btw.... and it was so weird being able to watch a movie in the car. what a luxury. it was interesting trying to watch andy drive and watch a movie at the same time. we got here safely, so i guess he's multi-talented.


praying to the porcelain god
okay, how the hell did ilan get to post on my blog? i guess i was too faded to sign out last night after i had posted. anyway, it is funny, so it's cool.

now, after reading what i posted i feel pretty silly. that little comment about "not drinking to the point of throwing up" cursed me. i was completely fine on our drive home, but as soon as i changed out of the clothes i was wearing, the chunks began to present themselves. and the BEST part is that we have no porcelain god to pray to! we are still toiletless. i had to throw up in the sink... it was pretty wretched. but andy was very good about it. he didn't abandon me or anything... and the smell.... man, i would have run for the hills. okay, not really... i'm very good with drunk people, i think. he kept trying to help me, but i told him he didn't have to stay in the bathroom cause it was too horrendous, even for me. i even got out the cleaner and scrubbed the sink down. then, after i finally passed out in bed, i woke up at 6am to throw up in our trashcan... then i did it again an hour later. ewww... i hate getting sloppy drunk. it's just not cool. so that's my version of the "porcelain god" --- the bathroom sink, and a small, green plastic trashcan. but, i'm doing very well now. took a shower and i got a call from work saying i didn't have to come in if i didn't want to. NICE. that was the best news ever. i'm probably going to victoria's secret cause i need to buy a new bra. i broke the very best one i have last night... and i was sober at the time! oh, who knows what was going on. i need to wake andy up... i'm hungry and someone needs to do something about that toilet cause we need that bad boy to be installed already. wheww.... that home stretch of that party last night was pretty insane, but i'm glad to report --- i'm alive and doing well......

this is elan, this is a cool party. i am white and jewish. this is cool. i am 29 years of age.

Bacardi O, baby
i'm a tad bit drunk. i've been taking shots of barcardi O, which is bacardi orange, and watermelon puckers, raspberry smirnoff, and midori, and plain old smirnoff vodka. what a crazy thing. i'm feeling pretty good right now. my sister is puking, i think... PARTY FOUL. i don't remember the last time i threw up. probably 5 years ago. i just don't drink to that point anymore. poor andy is sleeping right now while i've been singing karaoke for the past hour. dude, i totally have to work tomorrow. what crap. anyway, that's all for me now. gotta go. maybe take one more shot. yeeeeeehawwwwww!


Merry Christmas!!!!!
yippee... it is officially CHRISTMAS! we opened up our gifts tonight... i totally made out like a bandit! i scored with new keyless remote entry for my car (bad-ass, dude), a new console for my car that finally has cup holders, the christina aguilera CD, a snowboard bag (for when we fly to SHATTLE), the vicky's pajamas i wanted, the m.a.c. makeup bag i wanted and the thing i've been wanting for years and years now the goose down comforter! i got lots of kick ass stuff i've been wanting. i'm excited. the best part is that even though we opened our gifts tonight... that's not the end! i still get my secret santa gift tomorrow at the family party and we are driving to arizona this weekend so there will be a few more gifts. man, christmas is too fun!


Merry Christmas Eve!
yes, after trying to figure it out for 15 minutes, i figured out how to make this post a different color without making ALL of my text red! yippee for me! oh, the little things that make me happy. anyway, i'm at work right now. we're supposed to leave early, so they asked me to come in at 9am so that i could help them get some stuff done, but i actually only had about an hour of work and now, i'm just playing around with my blog. i went to sleep pretty late last night. i'm not sure why, but i ended up passing out around 2am while Andy and i were trying to watch "sum of all fears." it wasn't that the movie sucked, but i was tired anyway, so i was fighting trying to keep my eyes open. i think andy ended up turning it off anyway and went to sleep, too. i think today will be a good day. i'm done with my christmas shopping, so i doubt i will end up having to battle those "christmas eve" shoppers... which, btw, my sister is going to the mall so she's kinda nutty, and andy and i will probably deliver baby luke's xmas present and then we are going to church at 6pm and after that having dinner at my mommy's. we haven't decided when we are opening gifts yet. i don't feel like getting up early tomorrow morning to open presents then clean up all the stuff, so i'd rather do it tonight... but it looks like i might be out-voted.

anyway, i'm thinking about having another little shindig for new year's again this year. but it is still in the making. just a nice quiet evening with a little "thumbmaster" and "taboo." how does that sound, you guys? me and andy are planning to go to arizona this weekend to deliver all of andy's family's christmas presents and to bring our big screen over to andy's mom's house since there isn't any room in our place. neneng and ronald are going to vegas until new year's eve day, so planning this little party will probably present a few challenges, such as getting food together. but we'll see. i'm sure we can throw something together.

oh, my friend kelley had her baby. a baby girl born on december 20th. i'm hoping me andy can go up there to visit them when the holiday craziness has died down and andy can finally meet kelley. i've known kelley for almost 15 years and its funny that andy and her still haven't met. maybe it's not funny - haha - but just kinda weird. okay, i know i'm rambling now and this isn't making my time here go any faster. have a good christmas eve everyone, and i hope tonight santa brings you everything your heart desires.


happy 53rd birthday, tay!
today is my dad's birthday. my sister, mom, and i went to mass this morning, then we went to the cemetary, and after that we went to eat breakfast and my brother joined us. i think some people think it is a little strange that we still acknowledge my dad's birthday, but i guess that's just the way we do things. hmmmmm....i really don't want to get into being sad about it being my dad's birthday.

anyway, i went and did some last touches for christmas today. i completely forgot that we didn't get meya anything for christmas. i bought her some new bowls. she didn't actually need the bowls, but me and andy wanted to get her one of those food stands for big dogs so they don't have to lean too far down when they eat. and they come with bowls, so i really had no other choice. i like her bowls now, but maybe if we're lucky, the old bowls will fit in the stand thingy... okay, why am i putting so much thought into this? i don't know. i also finished up andy's gifts... finally. i need to find boxes for the stuff. it is still sitting in the trunk of my car because andy is home. but i think i am really done now. i hope so, at least.

i want to lay down and take a tiny nap, but i have nowhere to go. ronald, his cousin, and his uncle are watching a basketball game in the living room, and andy and his friends are watching a DVD in our room, so i have nowhere to go. maybe i can go to my mom's house. eh, we'll see. if i get tired of looking for a place to relax, i just might do that. only 3 1/2 more shopping days till christmas. lots of luck for those of you who have more people to buy for.


the closest i EVER want to come to a star trek convention
i haven't blogged in a few days and that is mostly because all week i've been trying to catch up on sleep from the midnight showing of "lord of the rings." let me begin by saying, i didn't realize what i was getting myself into until the moment we stepped into the theater 3 hours earlier than the movie thinking we were fairly early, but saw the mass hordes of people already in line. the people looked like they had been camping there for days. i'm talking, airbeds, camping chairs, people watching "fellowship of the ring" on DVD on laptops. it was so insane. they finally let us into the theater a little before 10pm and as those two hours wore on, the insanity just kept multiplying. we started noticing the people who were dressed up like they came from "middle earth" and andy even saw people who were trading lord of the rings cards. we felt like such freaks. i couldn't even believe it..... but, the movie was amazing. it was super good. and my boyfriend, legolas, was actually worth sitting with all the nerds and feeling like one of them, just to watch him. i'd imagine there are very few movies that i would actually go to at midnight and sit through for 3 hours without falling asleep, but i didn't get anywhere near falling asleep. really, it was that good. and again, i realize i sound like a big, fat nerd when i admit stuff like that... but who cares.

i'm so glad next week is going to be pretty slow. this past week was pretty crazy because a bunch of people at my work are leaving for the entire week next week, and some are even going to be gone for the next two weeks, so they had to get everything out on Friday before everyone leaves. i may not even have to work on Christmas eve which is really good. eh, i don't feel like blogging anymore.


Orlando Bloom
oh, i am such a nerd and thus the purpose of this blog is to say that we are buying advanced selling tickets for "Lord of the Rings" today! the movie doesn't officially come out until wednesday, december 18th, but a few movie theaters are going to start showing it on tuesday night at 11:59 p.m. YES, we are nerds... but really, it is a point of practicality. there is no way possible that we will be able to watch it on opening day and watching it on thursday after everyone else has seen it sounds sucky, so we're opting for tomorrow night. i will be tired as all hell on wednesday, but it will be worth it for my boyfriend, orlando bloom. there are those who do not feel the same way about him, but i don't care. i often don't go with the grain anyway, so who gives a rat's ass? if you don't know who i am talking about... he's Legolas in the movie... the blond elf with the long hair. i despise long hair, but for him, i forgive. anyway, i'm so excited!!!


The title is the phobia of Friday the 13ths... apparently there are people that suffer from this fear. I love Friday the 13th. When you are born on the 13th and your birthday will inevitably fall on a Friday the 13th sometime in your life... I think you tend to make yourself believe that the number 13 is a good thing. At least, that's what I gather.


poor, poor me
isn't it sad when someone you really love points out something about you that you are SERIOUSLY so insecure about? and then you begin to feel worse about that thing and right when you've convinced yourself that it isn't that big of a deal, all of a sudden it's the most horrible thing because if this person that you really, really love points it out, other people must see it, too. well, yeah, i had an eye opening experience with that tonight. it sucked, but hey, i'm a tough cookie, and i'll move on. i'll just have to think about how horrible it feels for the rest of my life... no, i'm just kidding, i'll be fine.

we finished christmas shopping. and i sent off ALL of our christmas cards today. damn, i'm on the ball... it feels nice. i don't think i've ever been done with christmas shopping this early. i still have to buy stuff for andy, but i'm not worried about that. andy bought a crap load of stuff tonight, so that's part of his christmas gift, but i'm going to buy him a few more things, things he doesn't know about. well, anyway, tomorrow is going to be a long friday, so i should get in bed. ...........now bring me some figgy pudding.......

10 clowns in a little car

there was major traffic on the the 15 North today as i was coming home, so i decided to take a detour and get on the 52 West to take the 805 North because that's usually not as crowded. anyway, as i was stuck in traffic, i started thinking about that time my cousins and i tried to squeeze a bunch of us into my brother's little teeny tiney red Hyundai Excel. 2 door and 5 seats and i want to say there were 6 or 7 of us. i just remember michael being in the trunk and that made me laugh as i was trying to drive home. oh, the good old days when michael was small enough to fit into the trunk of a car with a hatchback trunk. so funny.

anyway, me and andy are supposed to go out tonight to finish our christmas shopping. just a few more people to go, so that's nice. i have a throbbing migraine and i think i'm just going to take some migraine medicine and relax. meya is under the computer desk eating her hoof and it smells like ass. ugggh... its so gross....


a cold
so my little sniffle has turned into a full blown cold. it's not that bad, actually, i'm just congested. but nothing too horrible, which is good because i don't handle sickness well. i take a multi-vitamin and everything, i don't know why i keep getting sick. i keep going around people who are sick, i bet that's why. i'm just going to start treating people who are sick like they have the plague and just stay away from them, and maybe that should help me. who knows. anyway, i don't really have anything else to say, i'm just gonna get in bed and watch tv. it would be nice if this week could go just a little faster. goodnight


farrell's ice cream parlor
me and andy went there last night and it was a BIG mistake. we've always talked about going there, and finally, we were like "yeah, let's try something new." and we have learned our lesson and now it will take a miracle to try some place new. anyway, going into that place is like entering the twilight zone. we walked in and it was all noisy and crazy and they sat us down and i looked around and told andy we were the only adults there without children. he looked around and looked freaked out because it was true! and it wouldn't have been THAT big of a deal if the place wasn't so insane. it's hard to pinpoint exactly what it was about that place, but it was just so strange... like an alternate universe. they did this thing where they beat on a drum and had sirens blaring in the background and turned the lights on and off and yelled. then, they had this HUGE bowl of ice cream and two people carried it around like it was royalty on a big chair and ran around the place. IT WAS BIZARRE. when you drive past it, it looks so normal, but when you walk in, it's like a different country. weird.....

i'm getting a little sniffle. i was just sick so it would be lame if i got sick again, but i wouldn't be surprised. i gave meya a bath tonight cause she started to smell. and our room was starting to smell like her. i also decided to trim her nails a little bit and she is really great about letting me cut her nails. as long as she's chewing on a treat, she'll let me do it. podges used to growl and show his teeth and get really scary when you were cutting his nails. but anyway, i accidentally made meya bleed tonight when i was cutting her nails. her nails are pretty short to begin with and i guess i cut a little too much. i felt so bad. i hate hurting her, but she was such a trooper about it... she let me cut the nails on her other two paws even after i did that. what a good dog... except when she's being spastic.... which is all the time.

anyway, chakee... JUST ASK HER, FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE.


blood is blood
the reason for the title is because i found out that my grandma is in the hospital in the philippines. anyway, i don't want to get into all of it, but my uncle says she will be okay. and the title is a long story....

well, we are almost done with our christmas shopping. we rocked on sunday when we went to the mall and costco. i had a plan and an agenda and we accomplished 75% of it and today we finished 98%. last year i waited until the weekend before christmas to go shopping because i had to wait until payday and it was the worst decision i had ever made. it was so horrible. and i vowed i would never do that again. and so we went 3 weekends before christmas and it worked out for us. granted, it didn't happen without a few gliches, but that's alright. i almost got into a brawl in the parking lot of UTC. this asshole cut in front of me as i was waiting patiently behind this other car that couldn't decide if it wanted to go straight or turn left, and so this guy got this parking spot because he jumped in front of me. and if you know me, i don't play around when it comes to parking. oh, i was pissed. as i drove away, i yelled that he was a "bastard" and as i circled around to the other side, we exchanged words. if i hadn't been driving my cute little beemer, i probably would have been pushed over the edge to run into his car. it probably didn't help that me and andy had gotten into a little spat on the way to the mall, which had already gotten my adrenaline pumping, but that's beside the point. crissy, remember the parking lot of target last year?? "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" or did i say "happy holidays"?? who knows, but anyway, this was definitely a replication of that incident. UUGGGHHH, i hate holiday shoppers.

i've been having really crazy dreams lately, it's freaking me out. i don't know what they are about, but they are definitely out of the ordinary. my dream book isn't really helping me, but i wish i could just figure out what they mean. i have a pretty long day tomorrow... gotta get to bed....nighty night. btw, thanks again for asking me about linking to my blog, j.... i seriously appreciate it.


three parties in one day
man, what a weekend. from andy's birthday until now, it's has been a crazy 48 hours. on andy's birthday, we went out to breakfast at the cottage and it was really good. it's this cute little place in dowtown la jolla and i had a really good omelette. i didn't even want eggs, but since andy wanted french toast, i opted for the omelette. anyway, tio leo's was alright. after tio leo's we went to claim jumper for the infamous chocolate chip calzone. almost everyone was too full to eat that, so most of us just sat and chilled. btw, thanks for coming everyone.

anyway, so saturday was actually the three parties in one day. i went to the fiesta. i wasn't planning on doing that, but my mom told me to go at least for the mass/house blessing which was supposed to start at 11 a.m., so i went. i'm glad i did, though. we had some kick ass food. and it actually sustained me throughout the day until the 3rd party which was the Time Warner Holiday party. the 2nd party was a holiday party for the lab i work at at UCSD. the fun part was the white elephant gift exchange we had. when i left the house that morning, i just decided to not take part in it cause i hadn't prepared a gift and i was already running late to j's house. but while we were sitting in j's room, i asked him if he had anything he didn't want so that i could wrap it and bring it to my party. he ended up having the "batman forever" soundtrack and said i could have that... and it actually turned out being one of our CD's but its all good and i decided to wrap that bad boy up and whoever ended up with it was going to have to suffer. anyway, there were some really funny gifts in that little gift exchange. a jesus christ night light (which i actually had in my possession for a few short moments), a bunch of raver bracelets and lighted necklaces that someone had from a past halloween raver costume, someone gave away bubble bath specializing in relieving cramps and accompanied by a CD titled "music for menstruaters," but the best part is that the person who ended up with the "batman forever" soundtrack actually wanted it. i doubt she would have gone out and bought the CD for herself right now, but i think she was happy with it which was hilarious. i ended up with some random stationary that someone got as a gift a few years ago, but it also has this little booklet on making origami.... FUN!

the Time Warner holiday party was pretty lame. we didn't win any of the raffle prizes and the band was crappy, so we left after the last raffle drawing. the prime rib was tasty, but it was a sit-down dinner, so we only got a smidgen of food and i was still hungry. we decided to go back to j's house to see what what they were doing (and chakee lied and said she didn't know if there was still food so we would still go there and she KNEW there was NO food) and by the time we got there everyone was pretty drunk. i tried to catch up, but nobody wanted to drink with me, so andy and kyle decided to drink and i stayed sober. we did sing karaoke which was pretty entertaining, but that was about it. anyway, it is almost noon and andy woke up to have a cigarette and now he's sleeping again. i tried to go back to sleep, but i can't. i'm hungry, so i think i'll make breakfast. yes, i realize it's already lunch time, but i'm in the mood for bacon and eggs. me and andy are supposed to begin our christmas shopping today, so wish us luck on our journey against all those mean holiday shoppers. i hope he wakes his ass up soon.....


mexican cook at benihana
me and andy went to benihana tonight for dinner. we started this thing a few years ago where we celebrate our birthdays for 48 hours. so, your birthday technically starts at noon the day before your actual birthday and ends at noon the day after. and somehow, andy has expanded birthdays to last a week before, and weeks after. it's crazy, but i try as hard as i can to amuse him. anyway, we were going to go out to dinner tonight, and andy wanted tio leo's which i thought was insane because we are supposed to go there tomorrow night, but when he got home he said he was kidding about tio leo's and we could go somewhere else. i offered PF Changs (which i always try to offer) but he said no, and offered benihana. anyway, our cook was mexican. i felt a little robbed. i mean, the food was amazing, but somehow it just doesn't offer the same experience. i mean, would you feel pretty good about having a japanese guy make you a carne asada burrito? i doubt it. i got the filet mignon and it was soooo good... it just melted in your mouth. yum.

well, i decorated our christmas tree tonight. it's very simple, but i think it is pretty. it's all white. lights, bows, pearls, glass balls, and a big white bow at the top. it was fun listening to my christmas cd and decorating the tree. i got that warm - all over "christmas"-sy feeling. anyway, we stayed up until midnight so andy could open his birthday gift, and i spent an hour and a half decorating the tree, and it is now 2am. it is time for bed. tomorrow is going to probably be a long day.... but that's okay, it's the day of my love's birth, so that's not bad. Happy birthday, love!


The George Foreman Lean, Mean, Fat-Reducing Grilling Machine
we got a george foreman grill yesterday. i decided to try it out and make some steak that we had in our freezer and it turned out horribly disappointing. i'm sure it wasn't good 'ole george's fault, i think it was just sucky steak and i didn't marinate it with anything too spectacular. i ate it for dinner (i actually filled up more on bread) and it was so bad that i called everyone and told them to eat somewhere else cause they wouldn't want to eat it for dinner. yeah, so it was pretty bad. i'm gonna have to find out what everyone else is cooking in that sucker because everyone else seems to love it, so it might take a little work.

so, about my dream from the other night. i found out that one of the guys that was working there when i worked there quit yesterday. there's only one other person that works there from the days of when i used to work there. the bosses and the computer guy are still there (obviously), but i don't really care about them. i guess maybe that was what my dream was about.

well, i'm watching "glitter." don't ask why cause it is painfully horrible, but i just put it on for no real reason. well, jen just called me so i gotta go. bye!


i had a really freaky dream last night that i just remembered. i dreamt that my old work offered me my job back and i quit my job now to go there. and when i got there, it occurred to me "WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING BACK AT THIS JOB... I HATED THIS JOB." and i started to spazz because i realized i couldn't quit because then i couldn't receive my unemployment. and that now i had a full time job again i couldn't volunteer at UCSD. it was really weird. i wonder what it meant?????

btw, crissy, i remember whose birthday today is. i'm sure you do, too.

Graham Central Station/Arizona School of Massage Therapy/The Jen's
okay, so i couldn't decide on what to title this blog entry because there were just too many fun/funny things that happened this past weekend so i thought all three titles were deserving. i have been so exhausted from this weekend of craziness so i haven't blogged, but here i am at work, while it is really slow, so i thought i'd post now. anyway, thanksgiving was tons of fun. we had thanksgiving lunch at andy's dad's house at 1pm, then we had thanksgiving dinner at andy's mom's house at 5pm. i ate so much turkey, i was about to become one. i'm thinking about maybe starting to cook turkey every so often just because it was so damn good.

well, graham central station was a club we went to in phoenix. i think it was in the tempe area, but i couldn't really tell you for sure. it was one of those "multi-music" club places. the music in the three rooms (there were 4 rooms total, but one was a karaoke room) weren't too impressive, but hey, when you start drinking anything sounds good. we didn't get there until midnight but that was because nobody realized (until it was too late) that the clubs/bars in phoenix close at 1pm ::LAME:: so as soon as we got there we all started throwing back drinks, except andy who was our D.D. (what a nice guy). the point of this story really was that becca (andy's sister for those of you who don't know) and i danced in a cage. it was hilarious. i've always wanted to do that and there were cages in all the rooms, and they weren't very packed, so when ATOMIC DOG came on (and if you know me, i LOVE dancing to that song) i asked becca if she wanted to go into a cage. and so we did, and when all the people we were with realized that's where we were (cause we moved off the dance floor when they weren't looking) it was the funniest thing ever. this guy walked past us and tapped my butt and when i looked at andy to see what he was gonna do, he just waved at me like i was being silly for caring. andy's just not the type of guy to get pissed off about stuff like that. now, if the guy grabbed my ass and i got mad, that would be a different story, but when i looked at the guy he just looked at me like i was the bomb diggity so i just shrugged it off and kept dancing.

the arizona school of massage therapy is this massage school in tempe that offers 1 hour massages for $30. they were having a special 2 massages for the price of 1 and andy's dad invited us to go with him on sunday morning. we didn't get home until 4 that morning, so his dad left without us and we just met him there about half an hour after he got there. he had already gone in for his massage and we went in about 15 minutes later. when me and andy came out, his dad's car was still there, so we decided to wait for him, and when we were about to walk outside so andy could smoke a cigarette, they asked us if we wanted another complimentary massage. and we took it... so we paid $7.50 per massage. it kicked ass. so we were massaged for two hours in a row and it was madness. oh, we should all be so lucky.

well, the Jen's have to do with my friend Jennifer and her girlfriend, Jennifer. yes, a couple with the same name, how insane is that? i haven't seen my jennifer in 10 years and since her parents just moved back to arizona, we got together. it was so fun. that's who we went clubbing with, and after i had had a few drinks, i began calling them the Jen's. it's a long story, but it makes me laugh when i think about it. my jen is still the same, and jen's jen is very nice. when we were at andy's mom's house and andy's sister, Jennifer, was there, it was just too many jen's too handle.

that was my weekend in a nutshell. so much fun, and so little sleep.