

ray charles 

andy and i are in our separate offices, and he is listening to ray charles. he's singing very loudly, and i love it.

i adore lazy sundays.

because this is how funny my life is 

so weekend #2 in a row of wedding mania. andy and i attended his supervisor's wedding today. just as an aside, i walk around san diego fearing who i might run into that i knew from high school/junior high and hope people don't remember me so that i won't have to talk to them. it's very strange. it has absoultely nothing with me being a snob (as i think that's what some people think it's about) it has more to do with my own hang-ups than anything else. anyway, so as we are walking to the reception, i am completely thinking i'm going to see someone that i know or who knows me. of course, as it turns out, i see this group of girls during cocktail hour that i went to bell jr high with. i completely avoid them and hide behind andy as though i'm not there and i continue my journey into assholedom.

we proceed into the reception and we are having a splendid time. their schedule for the evening is off by an hour, but it's really not cause for concern. they finally get to the "photo montage" as it was outlined in the phamplet, and it is first about the bride, then the groom, then pictures of both of them. i'm watching the pictures of the bride, and it occurs to me: i went to junior high at bell with the BRIDE. WTF??? that answered the question as to why that group of girls was there. it's funny because i met her in december at the time warner christmas party. we received their invitation and i knew her first and last name and it never rang a bell. she looks a lot different (but shit, don't we all), but when i showed andy her picture in my yearbook he says she still looks the same.

isn't that crazy? i knew the bride THIS WHOLE TIME. i wasn't friends with her or anything, but what a small world. we used to have the same friends.

this entire time i was scared about running into someone i knew that was a guest... but i turned out knowing the person who was throwing the party. now that i've written it down it doesn't seem that trippy, but it was totally crazy. just believe me.


someone tell me how to post a picture into my profile using picasa. i know how to put a pic in my post, but what about the profile???

ugh, i hate being challenged.


6 million ways to die... 

i've been listening to my dell dj a lot and i've heard that one snoop song that starts like that a million times.

i really shouldn't be up and doing changes to my blog template, but once i started on changing the html colors in the template, i couldn't stop.... (NERD).

sometimes i really wish i could tell people what was really up. "they" (in a very worldly sense) go around acting like fools and if someone did tell them what was up, there would be no listening. ask me why i say this?? oh, cause i've tried.

tgif, for real


please call me Cindy 

so, i've succumbed and i finally bought myself a Mr. Coffee Iced Tea Maker. it probably sounds like a random type of purchase, but i've had this weird obsession with iced tea lately, and when i saw it was only $20 i thought it was worth my while. anyway, andy's mom is obsessed, and i mean OBSESSED with iced tea... therefore, that's why you should start calling me cindy now. i'm even scared to tell her i bought an iced tea maker. she has one and it brews constantly. either i'm becoming andy's mom or i'm getting old. yeah, it could very easily be both.

hey, before i forget... whenever you get uno momento go into google and type my first and last name. yes, as nooris. as you can see, i've been PUBLISHED. damn skippy! it was a paper presented at the International Society of Twin Studies and I'm 5th author. yes, 5th author probably doesn't sound all that glamorous, but notice how i'm not the last author. and it takes some shit to get to be first author and i'm just not there yet. but anyway, yeah, there i am.

i'm psyched tomorrow is already thursday. things at work have been pretty hectic. like i get there and i'm running and running around. i stop to eat. run and run some more and then it's time to go home. i can't wait to lay in my bed.

.... what model is your dog?.......


minus one 

aw, crissy's not a Nooris anymore. well, for the most part, she is until she changes her name legally. the wedding was beautiful and fun and everything i expected from crissy. congratulations to the newlyweds!

my own highlights:
-"we're in vegas!!!!"
-CHUG IT! if you don't, i will....
-abbee, i can't believe you chugged that wine... (teehee, actually i did it!)
-from the letter of paul... from the letter of SAINT paul
-ging, you've lost your napkin like 4 times
-me saying "fuckin" in front of auntie helen and her eyeballs flying out of her face
-chakee rummaging through other people's purses and being a kleptomaniac to find me eyeliner (thank you, chakee!)
-"where do we go to get appetizers?"
-matt's mom crying more at the rehearsal than the ceremony
-j fanning me with his personal portable fan
-my buzz-kill of an emotional breakdown (sorry crissy!)
-matt's mom and stepdad asking me how to dance to hip hop
-the drunk driver hitting the pole
-"i think she's upset that i didn't say bye to her"- you did say bye to her
-i threw up downstairs so nobody would hear me
-quoteth j "does the salad have dressing?"
-me dancing with crissy during the money dance because her line was shorter
-andy telling neneng that he kept seeing her crotch
-uncle roming trying to wrestle allan for his heineken
and finally:
-when the las vegas table finally realized EVERYONE was staring at us in our drunkeness

a good time had by all... rest up everyone, we've got another wedding in 9 months and counting....


my new shampoo smells a wee bit like dog shampoo 

oy, i woke up this morning at 5:15am and although i attempted as hard as i could to go back to sleep, i decided not to fight it and got up. i'm testing for the 3rd day in a row today, and sometimes i forget how exhausting it can be. i wasn't supposed to test 3 days in a row, but reference an earlier post when i mentioned that shit hit the fan... well, i'm testing now so some of the shit can be cleaned up. today is gonna be nuts. i know it.

i'm gonna go get in the shower now. i'm trying to pretend like i'm not sleepy and that it's not really like all i want to do is get back in bed. i'm gonna go get some serious ass starbucks and be about my business now.

rehearsal today. wedding tomorrow. yay, crissy!!!!

it's a trip that me, you and neneng are some married ass folks.


sh*t really does happen 

i knew it was going to be a rough day when i got out of the shower and made a shitload of my toiletries around my sink fall to the ground. then, as i'm running out of the bedroom so i can leave early and grab coffee, i realize i'm about to leave the house with half peeling nail polish. so, it becomes necessary to take the nail polish off. i get my acetone and for some reason i open it, and it slips out of my hand, bounces off the counter and splashes up onto my shirt and arm. WHAT? then, i think to myself "what does acetone do to fabric??" i decide i don't think it bleaches it or anything and continue on my way out. someone gave me this tip that if you put a drop of oil of oregano (wild mediterranean style) under your tongue it makes headaches go away. he warned that it was really strong, and i knew that and yet i gave it a go. i put a drop under my tongue this morning and what was probably an involuntary reaction, i take my tongue and scrape it on the bottom of the mouth, SCOOPING the oil of oregano to the TOP of my tongue. it was burning... like wild fire. i attempted to go to starbucks drive thru and i have no luck. i continue on to go to work.... and let's just leave it that the shit hit the big ass fan at work today. it was a rough day.

i ought to be doing a million other things. like cleaning my house. like reading my book. like balancing my checkbook. like unpacking (gasp!) the boxes from our move a year ago that we still have invading our guest room. like washing my dishes. like walking around in the new shoes i bought today. now i'm getting silly.

one more question: why is it that middle aged men with big beer bellies always feel the need to rub and scratch their belly?



i'm better.

i've had some stuff clouding my brain for the last couple of days and i considered blogging about it when i couldn't stop thinking about it earlier today, but i'm not in the same place emotionally so i'm not gonna. maybe i will later, but just not today.

one thing did occur to me today though...

sometimes, the things that seem to tug at your strings when you don't particularly want them to - can also be the most wonderful BLESSING. i love....


directly inject the caffeine straight into my bloodstream 

i have no idea why i can't focus or not feel tired. i've taken 2 practice GRE tests today and it has been a STRUGGLE. aside from the extreme exhaustion i feel (i've had 2 red bulls today, strangely so), i just can't seem to find my way out of the bullshit with this material i should know. i need to get my head out of my ass and stop being such an asshole.

i can see now why people turn to meth.

not that i would do it... but.... WTF?????


let's do this again... 

Ten Things I Miss...
10) eating whatever i wanted because i knew i was active enough
9) how naive and really innocent i was when i was a teenager
8) sleeping late and sleeping in
7) being in school and really LEARNING
6) acceptance of wearing overalls (lol)
5) having food magically appear that i didn't have to go to the grocery store to buy
4) tom cruise before he publically denounced psychology as a science
3) the comforts of william air force base, especially at night
2) the days when i was a light sleeper
1) being able to wear button-up shirts and not bust out of them

Nine Things I Hate...
9) people who don't stand up for themselves
8) feeling hungry
7) the inconvenience of not having perfect vision
6) waking up to my dogs barking incessantly for no reason
5) hangovers
4) wasting time
3) spending money when i really shouldn't
2) not listening to my gut and living with the repercussions
1) sleeping for a good amount of time but still feeling tired

Eight Things I Love...
8) the smell of softener in the dryer
7) my mom's cooking
6) sex & the city
5) having actual time to relax
4) satiating a craving
3) sharing one of our round chairs watching tv with andy
2) the feeling of accomplishment
1) laughing so hard that i have tears coming out of my eyes and i can't breathe

Seven Things I Remember The Most...
7) how i used to not snore as loud as i do now
6) the lecture i got from my dad at denny's the first time i hit a car
5) when andy and i used to eat MREs
4) the day we found meya
3) how to say the alphabet backwards
2) what a bitch it was to teach myself how to crochet
1) the first time i saw andy after all those years when i was 17

Six Things I Want To Do Eventually...
6) own a Bentley
5) floss with regularity
4) lose weight (sooner than later)
3) continue developing a bomb ass vocabulary
2) not have to drive in traffic, but still live with the comforts of a big city
1) learn to cook all of my mom's dishes that i love

Five Songs I Can Hear Over And Over...
5) come away with me - norah jones
4) when you say nothing at all - allison krause
3) atomic dog - george clinton
2) always be my baby - mariah carey
1) i do need you - bbd

Four Words That Describe Me....
4) brusque
3) lazy
2) procrastinator
1) crazy

Three Things I Want To Change...
3) reference 2&3 in the four words that describe me (i like being brusque and crazy)
2) how argumentative i can be with andy
1) not having a poker face (my facial expressions always give me away)

Two People I Want To Disappear...
2) johnny depp (only to disappear and come secretly live in my pocket)
1) a certain someone's girlfriend because we miss him

One Thing I Want...
1) for everyone that i love to have everything they want


beverly hills 

i LOVE LOVE LOVE that weezer song. i want to eat it.

i went to work this morning at 6:30am and left at 11am to go to my dentist appointment. no cavities, but like always, i got scolded for not flossing. i really don't know how to incorporate that into my nightly routine. i mean, seriously, i don't even wash my face at night. BUT i've had every aesthetician that has given me a facial say i have great skin. why mess with a good thing, right? yep, that's what i say. i took the rest of the day off and got my hair did. my hair was hurtin' for some love and affection and especially since crissy's wedding is coming up, i really didn't want to show up with some crazy ass hair.

i don't like heath bars... why did i let them put it in my ice cream???

my teeth hurt because of all the scraping at the dentist. i'm gonna go and relax and start the book i bought today. oh, at the salon, i read in a magazine that the average 24-35 year old woman relaxes an average of 24 minutes/day. sounds about right.

"take my picture by the pool - cause i'm the next big thing".... eat it up.

don't roll your eyes at me..... i'll ROLL 'em down the street 

it's crazy when i get to work this early. i took, neneng, ronald, julena and ronald's parents to the airport because they are going to chicago for billy's graduation from navy boot camp. a few plusses to this situation is that i got jack in the crack breakfast, which i hardly ever get. also, i get to leave work early. amen, amen. oh, also i get to listen to my music as loud as i want. it's almost like a party. there's nothing like listening to tupac at 6am.

that's all really. i'm so excited that it's already thursday. yipperdoo to weeks that go by quickly!


migraine, migraine go away.... 

uh, it's such a lazy saturday and it really shouldn't be. i have done a few productive things, but what i really need to be doing is studying for my GRE in 8 days. damn... i keep trying to convince myself that it's okay to put off studying because "i'm SO much better at cramming..." well, it's mostly true. i have a lot to get through and it kind of nauseates me having this exam loom over my head. i just need to get it over with and move on. if i don't do better than i did when i took it the first time... i'm definitely going to have to take it again. jesus christ, how many times in my life am i gonna have to take this stupid thing??? okay, i can't think like that, i have to do well... moving on....

fidelis' illness is getting better. i took him back to the vet for his re-check. there was a possibility that they were going to have to do sedate him to clean out the infection in his ear. she told me that would probably cost 200 smackers. luckily, oh, hold on, let me repeat that - LUCKILY, they didn't have to do it. we got away with more ear wash and medicine for $26. yippee. i love my dogs, but wow, sometimes it's rough.

i want to go to the movies. i also want ice cream.

i've been looking for a tote for my laptop. a cute one. not one of those gross black ones. they have super cute laptop bags at target, but my laptop just barely fits and there's no room for anything else. not even my AC adapter to plug it in. cute, but definitely not functional. if anyone has any tips on where i can find a cute laptop bag that isn't more than say, $40, tell me.

i have to take a shower and get moving. i think if i can get all my "life" stuff done this morning, it will leave me room this afternoon/evening to study. must find the motivation.......


bill and... YOUR GLANDS?????! 

i've been having a really hard time getting out of bed in the morning. i'm not particularly exhausted when i finally go to bed, but when my alarm goes off at 7am, you'd think that i went to bed at 3am and it would justify not wanting to get up. but i had been sleeping since 11pm. what's the deal here? anyway, thus, why i'm at work and it's 5:30. i didn't get to work until 9am, so i'm staying until 6pm. and i'm the only person here so i could actually bail out and nobody would be the wiser... but hey, this is the good little working bee that i am. yes, it's a work ethic and it's useful. but, i AM blogging. lol... i am actually doing work at the same time. that, my friends, is called multitasking. i'm like a jack of all trades.

i haven't really had anything all that profound to say lately. hm, in about a month andy and i will be celebrating our first wedding anniversary. also, bath and body works is having their semi-annual sale. see, didn't i say i didn't have anything profound to say?


"i tend to get lonely on my birthday" -quoted by someone else 

here i am.... i'm typing up this blog on my new laptop that is fantasmic! and i'm doing it sitting on my bed in my bedroom on the new wireless internet that we have. technology is great and wonderful.

i'm really tired (i wonder when this will cease to be my mantra), so i'm going to sleep now. i hope watching "kindergarten cop" on encore doesn't keep me up longer tonight.


being bobby brown 

i know, i can't believe it either, but a few nights ago while andy was taking a nap on the couch, i watched a few episodes of this new reality show. him and whitney are some crazy ass folks. like they act crazy. it must be so strange to have that reality (the insane oodles of money, the fame, etc) and the way they behave is pretty nutty. i probably won't watch it again, but it was entertaining when i was watching. although, the best thing that i saw was that as tumultuous as their relationship seems to the outside world (him getting arrested for allegedly hitting her and saying they were just playing and her not pressing charges for him hitting her) when bobby and whitney are together it's like good times. they just laugh and act silly and that is really how me and andy are by ourselves. we laugh at our own jokes and spend hours making each other laugh. ah, to be in love.

yesterday was just your average kind of 4th. got up, went back to sleep, got up again, got woken up to go with neneng to take julena to the emergency room, got back home and got ready to go to the beach, went to the beach and kicked it with a large group of people - a fair majority of the people i DIDN'T know, and stayed and watched fireworks. yep, julena had to go the emergency room yesterday because she hit her head while running into the door frame to her room. she's fine and the doctor said it didn't look like she had a concussion. he did say though, that she will probably get a black eye. poor kid.

i have to get back to work. the 3-day weekend is over and i'm supremely tired. at least it's already tuesday and it's a short week. hey chakee, don't forget, i'm getting you back for that wasabi ginger ice cream.


insomnia is poopy 

damn, i can't believe i woke up so early. i actually woke up an hour ago and just laid in bed hoping it wasn't a reality and tried to go back to sleep. not so lucky. i decided not to fight it and get up and download music onto my dell deeshay. i am yawning though, so that's strange. my body seems to be confused as to what it wants to do. actually, don't even get me started on the once turned diarrhea problem that is now constipation. {{{sigh}}}

head... shoulders.... knees and toes, knees and toes.

it was really so funny when julena was trying to get j and auntie helen to dance to wiggles. if you didn't see it, you missed out. that girl is hil-freakin-alrious.

i don't really have all that much to say. although, batman begins was pretty good, but it will always be really hard to swallow a lisping "i'm batman. i must protect gotham because it's not thafe."


how long does it take to build a laptop? 

ugh, who would have thought between me and andy and a huge ass hard drive we would need 2 separate computers. and it's not even as though we are fighting over usage of the computer... andy's not even home right now. but he's always doing shit to the computer and i never know what to expect when i turn the computer on. it's like "SURPRISE! all the shit you just installed 4 days ago has now moved to different mysterious location somehwhere in the large mysterious hard drive." my dell laptop has been ordered and i have no idea what the deal is regarding its arrival. i tell you what though... it can't come soon enough.

i'm so glad this week is over. it's hard to come back to work after vacation. it's like you get out of your groove. but at least next week is a 4 day week. amen.

fidelis has an infection. he's on 3 different medications. god damn, it's expensive having dogs. this last vet bill.... you wanna know how much it was? $285.... christ almighty, that's a small coach purse. i don't even want to go into how much that comes out to be in terms of my salary. too bad fidelis is the high maintenance one. poor baby.

alright, i turned on the computer to download my month-free napster that i got with my dell dj. (yes, i've got a month free of LEGAL napster, so if you want to download songs and make cd's in the next month, come on over!). anyway, my point was that i have no idea what andy did with our computer, so i'm not going to download it just yet. i have to wait for that fool to come home. he does this on purpose. he debillitates the computer so i have to sit around with my thumb up my ass. so.... i can't use napster so i'm going to go back downstairs to watch the rest on 90210 on soapnet.