

(the postman song) 

sometimes it makes me smile.... me and andy really have so much fun together, it's really crazy. my title has something to do with us laughing and laughing for hours this past weekend. but that's that. we also have arguments that are equally nuts, but i guess that's people like to call having a passionate relationship. :)

we got so much done on our house this weekend, but it only feels like we're a third of the way from being done with all that we have to do. we painted 2 rooms almost all day on sunday. we got carpet installed upstairs. we keep making dump runs to throw out all the crap that is invading our garage. ugh, i can't bitch about this anymore.

so, i'm going to boston for business next week. and it scares me to no end how cold it's gonna be. i talked to my friend, kate, who lives there and she was telling me it will probably be in the 20's the week i'm out there. THE 20'S??????? it was 46 degrees last night and i thought it was sooo cold. but it was 60 in the daytime. eeks. okay, i'm done.


death shmeath 

i just got a call from my boss' wife (who also works in our office) that my boss' father died on saturday. the stress factor in my office is off the richter scale, it's impressive. anyway, my other co-worker, who's mother is battling cancer and who's husband is fighting a war in Iraq, is in chicago spending thanksgiving with her family. so, right now, it's just me and the other lab assistant and it is taking everything in our bones from making us call it a day... oh, and it's 8:40am. I've been here since 7:15am. at least my goal was to get here early so i could leave early. ahh.... the long list of things i need to get done are starting to ooze out my ears.....


isn't sunday supposed to be the day of rest? 

i can't believe i'm at work. working on sunday is caca. it's a good thing i don't have to do it very often. and we really wanted to get out of here early, but no such luck. looks like i'll be here until good old 4pm. bummer.

i can't help but think of all the other things i COULD be doing. andy was supposed to get some stuff done for our house, but quite honestly, i wouldn't blame him if he vegged out all day. we worked really hard yesterday morning, made 2 trips to the landfill to dump a whole crap load of stuff, then had to carry the gym equipment that was in the backyard of the condo to the house. then we drove up to moreno valley for kelley's daughter's birthday party. i'm exhausted. oh, and did i mention i'm working everyday for this next week, including saturday? damn, it's rough.

oh, i don't want your pity, though. cause for the most part, my job is the bizzomb.


you hear some interesting conversations at the beauty salon 

--------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
* * Ever been so drunk you blacked out: i don't think so.
* * Missed school B/c it was raining: nope, not that i can remember.
* * Put a body part on fire for amusement: nope
* * Been hurt emotionally: of course
* * Kept a secret from everyone: oh hell yeah. i'm so good at secrets.
* * Cried during a Movie: all the time
* * Ever thought an animated character was hot: not that i recall

* * * --------------FAVORITES------------------
* * Shampoo: nioxin has made my hair soooo long
* * Color: lavender
* * Day/Night: depends
* * Summer/Winter: summer
* * Fave Ice Cream: jamoca almond fudge
* * Fave Subject: psychology
* * Drink: diet cherry coke
* * Fave Persons to talk to online: i hardly talk to anyone online

* * * ----------------RIGHT NOW------------------
* * Wearing: black skirt, turquoise shirt and a lab coat
* * I'm feeling: restless
* * Eating: nothing, but it's almost lunchtime
* * Thinking about: having to work this sunday

* * * --------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS-----------------
* * Cried: nope
* * Worn a skirt: yep, today
* * Met someone new: yep
* *Cleaned Your Room: not in the last 24 hours.

**------Believe in--------
* * Yourself: almost always
* * Your friends: of course
* * Santa Claus: nope
* * Tooth Fairy: used to
* * Destiny/Fate: of course
* * Love at first sight: it's possible, i think
* *Angels: absolutely
* *UFO's: i'm a little iffy on that

*** ------------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
* * Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? nope
* * Like anyone? sure
* * Who's the loudest: anyone with the last name nooris
* * Who's the most annoying? small children with no manners
* * Who's the shyest: michelle, one of my co-workers
* * Who do you go to for advice: oh gee, a handful of people. it depends on what i need help with
* * Who do you cry to? andrew
* * What's the best feeling in the world? accomplishment... oh, and feeling loved.
* And last but not least, your birthday! june 13


noah, the station wagon 

so, i think life is on its way to come back full circle.... too deep of a thought on saturday afternoon? yes, i agree, but let me explain:

so since those long, drawn out days of rain last week and the week before, my dogs are big babies (meya-the female, particularly) and they don't like to use the potty outside when its raining. so, rather than weathering a few little sprinkles to do their business OUTside, they decided to hold it and fidelis dropped the kids off in our hallway in his crate, and meya did #1 & #2 in the room we keep her in, which is actually the room we've made andy's office. so, andy's room has inevitably been smelling like piss. yummy, you think? NOPE. i've been trying to steam clean it, but just today i figured out i wasn't steam cleaning long enough, nor completely in the right place.

my point being is that i'm here in what is now mine and andy's house, but it's really my mom and dad's house. yes, we've bought it and are paying the mortgage and the whole shebang, but you're missing my point. i've been steam cleaning this carpet for the last hour staring at this wack ass mauve carpet that my mom picked out years ago. see, had i paid more attention 9 years ago when we bought this house, thinking i would actually own it and be living in it at some point in my life, maybe i would have spoken up about what house to get. see, what i'm sayin'? not that it would have mattered cause who would have believed me when i was 17 when i would have said, "look, i'm going to own this house one day, let's get one i REALLY like." not that i don't like this house, but i'm just being philosophical... keep up.

so that brings me to my title. when i was driving my bomb ass brown station wagon when i was a senior in high school, all i kept thinking was that my happy ass was the one who voted for that car when i was 7. and i ended up being the one who used that car as my primary car. see?.... are you following?.... FULL CIRCLE.