

no holiday until May, wtf???
so, i'm at work and i'm bored stiff. it was such a weird day and i think that had alot to do with the fact that i didn't sleep until 2am. andy and i tried sleeping early, but as we were laying there andy goes "hey, are you sleeping?" and i said "no" so we thought maybe if we watched tv for a little bit, we would start to get sleepy. i eventually got tired, but i have no idea what time andy went to sleep. he didn't wake up until 2pm, so i'm guessing it was pretty late. anyway, i was planning on going to UCSD today even though i didn't have to, but i could not wake up to save my life. i finally woke up at 11:30am which gave me just enough time to get in the shower and get ready for work. i don't think i had even fully woken up at that point. driving to work was a little difficult, so that's why i was feeling a little discombobulated. i'm still feeling a little out of it. i wore my glasses today and when i don't put on my contacts, my eyes feel funky... like i'm not awake. it's hard to explain. anyway, it has been a super slow day, so that didn't help this feeling i have. i did have alot of time on my hands to search the internet. enough time to order from overstock.com which i probably shouldn't have, but it was such a deal! if you've never checked out that website and you are looking for something, you really should. things are so cheap and all the stuff i read had great reviews from people who bought that stuff. when i get what i ordered from there, i'll try to remember to post what i think of it and if it is worth the money. and it has a real cheap flat rate for shipping of $2.95. well, there... there was my plug for overstock.com...la----laaaaaa

so, today is the monday after the holidays. almost everyone looks so drained. i think the sucky part is that it's monday and it's the first monday without looking forward to anything at the end of the week. meaning, i know for damn sure that it's not going to be a short week, and the next holiday to look forward to is in another 4 months... 4 MONTHS??? damn, that's rough. i am taking 2 days off from work, though, when we got to shattle. that will be so fun. i've always wanted to go there, but i'm a little worried about the snowboarding. the snowboarding at tahoe was a little too much for me to handle. it was so curvy and much different than our little man-made snow on fairly non-steep hills here in socal. but i will think positively about this trip to washington. if this is the first time you've heard of this little trip and you are interested in going, let toto know. i don't think it is too late and it would be kick ass if more people went. i'm sure it will be hella fun. so far, it is me, andy, toto, j, and andy's little sister, alyssa. even if it is difficult, at least i will get to say i've boarded there. :) that's about a month and a half away, so i should probably be saving up for that trip and not buying stuff off the internet... oops :) well, i have about 5 more minutes before i can go home, so that's enough blogging for me. i can't believe how hot it was today... around 70 degrees. whoever heard of 70 degree weather in january??? that's san diego for you. i think i'm a little indifferent to that these days. yes, i'm referring to the weather.