

i tried blogging earlier today on that computer that we have in the living room and when i went to post, it logged me out and i lost the whole damn thing. I HATE WHEN THAT HAPPENS. j was sitting on the couch watching me and laughed when it happened. i decided to not retype it and do it later. so here we are 1 day and 50 minutes into 2003. so far it has been alright. i slept alot of the day and got up to do some cleaning and eat and then i went back to sleep and then we went to watch "lord of the rings." yes, AGAIN. neneng and ronald were going with a bunch of people and asked us if we wanted to go. i didn't really want to and i thought andy wouldn't want to, either cause he was still drunk so i told him to decide... and wouldn't you know it, he wanted to go. that movie was just as good the 2nd time.

new year's was pretty fun. there was only a handful of people here but it was a good time. we ate and hung out until midnight and after it turned midnight time seemed to fly. we tried to play thumbmaster and that was fun but we stopped in the middle. and before i knew it, it was 4am. it was crazy. i went to bed a little after 5am, and as the rumor goes, andy went to sleep at 6:30am and didn't stop drinking until then, either. when he finally woke up at 3:30pm, he was still drunk. poor guy. everyone is now pretty addicted to "bop it." i thought fights were gonna break out with everyone wanting to wrestle so they could have their turn. neneng even bought her own. ummm... i really doubt a tiny little condo needs two bop-its, but if she wants to play without having to share it with anyone else, she did what she had to do. i have to work tomorrow, but at least i wasn't hungover today trying to recover.... 2 days of work and it will be the weekend. yippeee!! well, have a good 364 days everyone and may they be wonderful and blessed. 2002 was good, but just maybe this year will bring everything fantastic and greater than any of us could ever imagine. don't ask why i think that's gonna happen, but i just have a good feeling that this year will be a good one.... we can all only hope. btw, thanks to all of those who joined us in ringing in the new year. you all made it fun and i was glad to be with all of you, even if maybe one of you is a narc..... lol :)