

Build Wisely, Don�t Ever Give-Up! 

I saw this on MCAS Miramar's website and thought it had a good sentiment. I guess it can be a little reminder to ALL of us.

A carpenter was ready to retire and told his employer. The housing contractor was sorry to see him go and asked if he would build just one more house as a personal favor. The carpenter reluctantly agreed, and in time it was evident his heart wasn�t in his work. He resorted to sloppy workmanship, using short cuts, and even inferior materials. When he completed the house, his boss handed him the keys. �This is your new house,� he said, �It�s my humble gift to you for all your hard work over the years!� Surprised and shamefully so, the carpenter thought, if he had only known, he would have done such a better job. Now he�s stuck with a shoddy house of his own making.

So it is with some of us. We build our lives haphazardly, willing to put less than our best. Then in shock we look at our poorly constructed situation finding ourselves living in a house we have built with our own two hands. If only we had realized it, we could have done such a better job.

We�re all carpenters in a way. Each day of our lives we hammer a nail, place a board, or erect a wall. Don�t be distracted! We must continue to build wisely; our life is the only house we will ever personally build. Even if we live it for only one day, each day deserves to be lived graciously and with dignity. Our life today is the result of our attitude and past decisions. Our life tomorrow will be the result of our attitude and the choices we make today. Don�t give-up on yourself; continue to build your life wisely!