

never trust a big butt and a smile 

i heard "poison" by BBD on my way to work and i had a great time jammin to that song in the car. i forgot how much i loved bbd. how funny. actually, i went out to meet a couple of my friends for drinks last night and they were telling me about how i just had to watch "i love the 80's" on VH1, so right before i left for work, me and andy were watching "i love the 80's strikes back" and i was feeling pretty nostalgic. if you remotely remember anything from the 80's you really should watch those group of shows on VH1. you just have to laugh at some of the fads back then and also say AWWW... to alot of stuff they remind you about. the one we watched today did big things about smurfs and another one on jelly shoes. two things i totally loved back in the day. yeah, it's funny.

well, the construction in our office is making me nutty. our office looks like a tornado hit it and the dust is making me pukey. and it probably won't be done for another month/month and a half. they've only painted some walls, and they still need to paint more walls and change the carpet in all the existing offices. ugh, i hated it when it was happening at our house, but i dislike it even more here because there is nothing i can do about it. remodel, remodel, go away......

last night me, andy, and kyle hung out at barnes and noble for 2 hours. not on purpose and not because we're losers with nothing else to do. andy was looking for a better book to help him with one of his programming classes and me and kyle went along just to go. andy pretty much went through every book they had on the topic to see which one he wanted. anyway, so there was this girl walking around and she walked passed me and andy (who were sitting on the ground, both reading books) was like "hiiiiiii...." not like "HIIII!!!!" but just kinda dragged it out in this weird crazy-like way. so i just ignored it thinking she was talking to whomever she was walking towards. but then she did it again to this group of people she was walking past and andy was like "she said hi to me." he said he knew she was talking to him because of the way she said hi to the people she passed after she passed us. anyway, i was hanging out with kyle over by the stationary earlier and that was the direction she was walking and i told andy "maybe she's gonna search out kyle and say hi to him." a few minutes later, kyle comes over to us and he told us that this crazy girl came up to him while he was reading a book and was like "what's your name?" kyle told her, then she goes "my name is michelle" and walked away. she walked passed again and andy made kyle confirm it was the same girl... we started talking about something else and andy told me i had A.D.D. and she comes over and goes "Attention Deficit......" and andy goes "disorder." none of us could look her in the eye cause we would have started laughing. it was crazy. i couldn't figure out if she was just kinda loopy, or she's one of those people who likes to make friends by going up to random strangers. anyway, if you see michelle at barnes and noble in mira mesa... steer clear.

so i never finished my story about when we went out of town. let me just break down the good stuff: me driving after 3 hours of sleep and under the influence of serious delirium and swerving to avoid a car in the parking lot that was parked, but what i thought was moving; the entire discussion about crayons; me making andy's sister cry after she had surgery, with me being the person was going to make EVERYONE cry; me pulling over in some random country town so kyle could puke out of the car; "recalculating route"; driving on MLK blvd. while andy and kyle were sleeping; the bum sleeping with his pants down in the public bathroom at midnight in the reflection pool park; driving in 50 degree weather, going 70 mph with all the windows down looking like morons; andy's friends telling me i didn't need to put my pajama top on to walk around our hotel room because "we're all adults here"; "nobody likes you because you cry. you cry. you cry."; driving out to BFR by myself to find the walmart that was 20 miles away; target being 260 miles away; trying to steal everything we could get our hands on (successful with sheraton pillow. Yes!); used condoms and baby kittens by the dumpster; hooker transaction going down; the naked version of PhotoHunt on Megatouch; and last but not least, me, andy and Shawn's version of Austin Power's picture montage with the Windsor castle guard. we had so much fun. :) lol.

and by the way, why shouldn't we trust a big butt and a smile? that hardly seems fair.