

and again, and again, and again, and again 

i'm sick... again. what else is new? i swear, this virus dealio is going to take out my temporal lobe or cause me to have testicular cancer. i stayed home from work today to get some rest and get better. i did rest and i do feel a little better. i'm breathing out of my nose again which is a conquered feat all in itself. but i am almost out of tissue. and i haven't taken a shower today.

i'm gonna work tomorrow, in an attempt to make the sickness go away. at least it will be humpday and only a couple of days left to the week. it's good that i have so many sick days for work.

i really should have gotten a flu shot, especially me... duh, duh, duh.

hey, who else is up for another game of thumbmaster this weekend besides me, j, and andy????? put your names on the list.