Oops, i meant, i'll pull down YOUR underwear.... :) anyway, yes, i realize it has been a bazillion years since halloween (okay, 5 days) but i was having a super shitty day that day, so i didn't feel like blogging. nor did i feel like blogging the friday, saturday or sunday following halloween. so, alas, here i am and blogging away at work, and it's monday so i'm missing the weekend already. i've got about half an hour left before i can go home, and then after that i have to go to seafood city to buy broccoli and mushrooms cause i'm making, as my sister calls it, broccoli to da beef. long story.
well, this was a thought i wanted to share as a halloween thought, but i think it has enough merit to bring it up even though the holiday has passed. i'm not quite sure where i heard, maybe on the radio or talking to someone, but someone was telling me that their niece or daughter or something like that was going to dress up as an "asian girl" for halloween. okay, is it just me, or does that not make sense as a costume? since when did we start dressing up as ethnicities for halloween? this statement was made (albeit that i can't remember who or when it was said) as though this was a very typical and normal idea for a costume for a child. would it be as politically correct to say a little asian girl is going to dress up as a caucasian girl or a little african american girl? after that logic, being an "asian girl" for halloween can't make any sense to anyone. if it does make sense, maybe one of these days when i have a child (a million years from now) i think i'm going to dress her up like a little white girl.... whatever that will mean in that time.
so, just recently i've borrowed a book from a friend of mine (i guess you could call her a friend, i work with her in the lab i volunteer at and she's very cool) and it is called "career paths in psychology, where your degree can take you." and if you know me at all, i need this book like you wouldn't believe. i've already received my undergraduate degree and i know i want to go to graduate school, but i'm so clueless on what exactly it is i would like to do with a graduate degree. a passing thought occurred to me while i was working, maybe since i don't know what i want to do with my undergrad degree, maybe i'll just skip the whole graduate school jazz, get married, have babies, and live a pretty mediocre life, just working (nothing too spectacular) and raising children. and then, of course, i entered reality and i know that that is not the life i want. and i've never wanted it. and i've never even entertained that idea for longer than 3 milliseconds. not that there is anything wrong with raising kids and working simply to help support your family, but i guess i've just always desired something else for my life and my career. but geez, how easy would it be if i could just wash that away and stop wanting graduate school so badly. hmmm.....
anyway, for the weekend, andrew, kyle and i watched "punch drunk love." if you are interested in seeing it and would like a good review of the movie, talk to andrew and kyle. i guess i just wasn't in the mood. it was bizarre and it made me crazy, so i'm not too thrilled about it. it was alot like "the royal tannenbaums" which i actually think was pretty good. not one of my favorite movies, but not bad, at all. like i said earlier, maybe i just wasn't in the mood.
saturday, we ran errands most of the day... picked up my glasses, got gas, ate, ordered another master key for Hua Mei from BMW, bought meya food, went to a paintball store, home depot and starbucks. we chilled at home that night which was the first time we weren't actually doing something for a saturday night, which was nice. and last night we went to the festival of animation for the sick and twisted show. it was the last showing here in san diego, so it had a pretty good vibe and it was fun. somehow, we ended up sitting in front of the 20 year old trekkie boys, which was lame, but all in all, it was good fun.