

Orlando Bloom
oh, i am such a nerd and thus the purpose of this blog is to say that we are buying advanced selling tickets for "Lord of the Rings" today! the movie doesn't officially come out until wednesday, december 18th, but a few movie theaters are going to start showing it on tuesday night at 11:59 p.m. YES, we are nerds... but really, it is a point of practicality. there is no way possible that we will be able to watch it on opening day and watching it on thursday after everyone else has seen it sounds sucky, so we're opting for tomorrow night. i will be tired as all hell on wednesday, but it will be worth it for my boyfriend, orlando bloom. there are those who do not feel the same way about him, but i don't care. i often don't go with the grain anyway, so who gives a rat's ass? if you don't know who i am talking about... he's Legolas in the movie... the blond elf with the long hair. i despise long hair, but for him, i forgive. anyway, i'm so excited!!!