

poor, poor me
isn't it sad when someone you really love points out something about you that you are SERIOUSLY so insecure about? and then you begin to feel worse about that thing and right when you've convinced yourself that it isn't that big of a deal, all of a sudden it's the most horrible thing because if this person that you really, really love points it out, other people must see it, too. well, yeah, i had an eye opening experience with that tonight. it sucked, but hey, i'm a tough cookie, and i'll move on. i'll just have to think about how horrible it feels for the rest of my life... no, i'm just kidding, i'll be fine.

we finished christmas shopping. and i sent off ALL of our christmas cards today. damn, i'm on the ball... it feels nice. i don't think i've ever been done with christmas shopping this early. i still have to buy stuff for andy, but i'm not worried about that. andy bought a crap load of stuff tonight, so that's part of his christmas gift, but i'm going to buy him a few more things, things he doesn't know about. well, anyway, tomorrow is going to be a long friday, so i should get in bed. ...........now bring me some figgy pudding.......