

O God, not more ebay!!!???!!!
i am now officially obsessed with ebay. meya's collar ended up being a tad bit too big, so i have taken it off of her, and am now trying to find a size smaller and sell the one i've got. i would imagine that if her collar ended up being just the right size, i wouldn't have come back to ebay, but now i find myself thinking about things i could look for. that can't be good, especially considering how BROKE i am. i look for stuff, and i've been sending people (just neneng actually) auctions of stuff that i know they might want. it's terrible!! i've moved on from dog collars and now i'm looking at jewelry... god, not jewelry!! i've searched a few other things, but they haven't really kept my interest, i.e. different furniture, collectible kinda stuff. crissy, if you want matt to buy you a tiffany's ring for quite inexpensively, i would tell him to hit the ebay circuit. it totally rocks...(not that i've looked, of course)

i brought in the collar i bought for meya in case anyone at my work wanted to buy it from me (it would make my life easier if i didn't have to go through the entire ebay process) and started talking to this guy about it. and he informs me that he has a hook up at Coach... um, why would you not mention this bit of info prior to this moment???!!!! well, after talking to him a little later, and a little more in depth about it, he says he knew two girls, and one of the girls (the one he still talks to) doesn't work there anymore and the other girl who does still work there, he kinda lost touch with her, but there could still be a chance he could talk to her again. i made him promise that if he does talk to her, he NEEDS to hook me up. he said she could get coach stuff for FRIGGIN HALF PRICE. lordy. anyway, it is time to go home now. i might blog again later. what an ebay kinda day.