

hot cross buns

lol, that was funny. i think of all the decisions andy and i have made about our wedding (and there haven't been alot, believe me) i think deciding to let chakee play "hot cross buns" on violin was really the best decision yet. lol... start practicing, chakee. anyway, it's already monday...and the day is almost over, thank god.... and it seems like the weekend flew by. even though i had friday off, too. andy's mom's in town and i think we kept her on her toes the entire time. she's usually not used to being out and about all day long, even on the weekends, but that's what we had going on for the weekend and it wasn't like we were going to make her just sit at home while we ran errands. anyway, i don't really feel like blogging, but i wanted to mention the hot cross buns. we went swimming in the pool yesterday and that was pretty fun. and it was nice that it was warm enough to do that. we should have gone earlier when it wasn't so chilly because it was already 8pm, but we had to eat dinner first.

here's a funny story before i go. andy's mom is always trying to pay for stuff for us, and we don't like to let her. yesterday we were going to run to the grocery store to pick up some stuff for my chimichangas and since andy's mom wanted us to make salsa, she gave me a list and a $20 bill. i told her to keep her money since i had already put that stuff on my list because i was going to make guacamole. anyway, before we had left, i gave andy all my cash so i knew i didn't have any cash on me. but when we were at albertsons, neneng gave me a $20 bill and we just put all the groceries together and i used my visa. well, this morning... being the absent-minded chicken that i am, i look in my wallet and i'm like "where did this $20 bill come from?" and this lightbulb goes off and i'm like "oooh, that sneaky lady.... andy's mom put it in my wallet" so i left it on our desk and told andy to sneak it back into his mom's wallet. well, as the day is going on and i'm becoming a little more awake, i realized that the $20 bill was the money neneng gave me yesterday, and it wasn't from andy's mom. but i was just going to tell andy just so he knew, but we weren't going to ask for that money back cause that's retarded. anyway, andy's mom figures out she has too much money in her wallet, and andy is completely denying that he put money in there until i call him to tell him what happened. it was funny. i'm retarded. so, that's that.