

Someone has a case of the moondays... 

have you ever seen "office space?" well, that's where that's from. anyway, i don't think i have a case of the mondays, i just didn't want to think of another title. anyway, i'm at work and it is pretty slow. i got a new computer though, and that rocks. it's faster, but that's pretty much all that is helpful. i also have speakers, but that doesn't really make a difference either. we didn't get home last night from arizona until 1:30am. andy drove the first part and after yuma, i drove. andy had to get up to go to school at 7:30 this morning, so he got to sleep while i drove the rest of the way home. andy's sister, alyssa, also drove back with us. she's on break (she's in high school, but most of the schools in arizona are on year-round.... SUCKERS.) so she drove out here with us and andy's dad and stepmom are coming out here for 4th of july weekend, and she's just going to drive back with them. anyway, this weekend was freakin HOT. it was 114 degrees for most of the weekend and when we got in on friday night, which was around 8pm, it was still 107. good lord, i thought we were all going to die. the poor dogs couldn't pant fast enough and i just felt so sorry for them. but i'm glad i went. i finally got to meet andy's paternal grandmother and she is one tough lady. my grandma is definitely one tough cookie, but this woman is battling cancer from all over the place. i thought she only (not that cancer is "only) had ovarian cancer, but she also has colon cancer. and she's getting some hard-core chemo once a month. it was just sad because everyone was talking about how she just knows she's dying, but i guess that's just the way things go. :( she was just really nice to me and i got to spend some time just chit-chatting with her and andy's sister, jen, and she said she definitely wants me and andy to go out to new mexico to visit her when she is done in phoenix with her chemo. i just can't believe all the stuff she's going thru and she was still just walking around doing her thing, playing solitaire on the cmoputer, and even made deviled-eggs. i was expecting her to be alot more frail and weak, but she wasn't like that at all. i'm telling you, she's tough.

andy's mom had a barbecue for us yesterday. everyone came over and we just ate and talked and i got to show everyone my sky-diving video. jen's husband wants to do it so he was pretty interested. i also went with andy's sisters to sally's beauty supply cause becca wanted jen to dye her hair. they are just like me inside beaty supply stores... i just want everything and have to touch and see what everything does. andy's mom got a little peeved cause we (actually they cause i am childless) left her there with all the kids and she wanted to rip her hair out. i guess taking your time at the store is only a luxury when you aren't hurrying home cause someone else is watching your child.

all in all, it was a good weekend. hotter than hell, but at least we all made it back okay. too bad i missed all those graduation parties.

hmmm... and this new blogger is interesting. i saw it this weekend and it looked different, but i logged on again today and it looked different again. but i think i kinda like it.