

where have i been? what have i been doing? why have i been so non-existent?

it's cause i've been busier than a mo-fo lately. i'm throwing a dinner party tomorrow night and i haven't been preparing for it so now i have to make it all come together. i'm going to a bachelorette party on saturday. i met some girlfriends at bennigans on tuesday and i went with my mom to her homeowners association meeting yesterday. not enough hours in the day, man.

the big boss man at my work is out of town. the cayman islands to be exact. so at work i try to make good use of my time by researching graduate schools. it's definitely not the easiest project. maybe if i had the best grades ever and a full-grown pocket full of money, i could just point and apply, but i'm not so lucky. i'm back in nerd-mode with my excel spreadsheet with about 25 columns of everything you could want to know about each school i'm looking at separating programs, degree types, their requirements and everything else in between. if i didn't do it this way it would just be a big old jumbled mess and i wouldn't even know where to begin. doing it this way is good, though... i eliminated about 5 schools from my list just by researching them further. a couple of them were clinical psych programs and since i have no interest in having my own practice or being a counselor, those got tossed out quickly. i spent about 3 hours working on it yesterday, i doubt i'll even want to glimpse at it today. i have to go pick up my cheesecake (dessert for tomorrow night... what else would i order but a kahlua cheesecake from marie callenders) after work, do the grocery shopping for tomorrow and prepare as much of it as i can tonight so tomorrow when i get home from work, all i have to do is toss my chickens in the oven (i'm making roasted chicken). oooh, i have to add more stuff to my grocery list before i forget. gotta go.