

a good story


we were talking yesterday at work about that horrible incident with the old man running into and killing all those people in santa monica yesterday. and if you've ever heard me ramble on and on about the station wagon and patricia, the old, senile, (mean-spirited, satan-like, deceitful-monger that she was) decrepit lady who completely killed the station wagon, you'd know how i feel about old people being able to have driver's licenses and driving around on the roads at free will with bad eye-sight, slooooooow reflexes, and completely afraid of the other cars moving around them. they should straight up be tested for all the above. but people say that's discriminating against old people... who the hell cares??? they discriminate against young people driving, too. if they didn't, they wouldn't make stricter laws about when new drivers (under 18) can drive at night, when they can have people under 18 in their cars and so on and so forth. and i'm not saying those new laws aren't in place for a reason, cause yes, statistically it does show that young people tend to get in more frequent accidents... umm... hello! so do OLD people. poor noah was proof-positive of that. and have my parents (namely, my widowed mother) been reimbursed for that mishap of that old lady??? no, ma'am. but wow, look at how easily i can get off topic... onto my story.....

so we're telling stories of little incidents we've had driving and this one girl i work with mentions this story of this guy whom she was behind at a traffic light. it was at a tad bit of an incline and as the light turns green the guy tries to pull forward but accidentally rolls back and taps her car (assumedly, he's driving a stick-shift car). she's with a bunch of her friends and she's just kinda going... why won't he go through the light? (she's a shit load more laid back than me cause dude would have heard my honk a couple times) he continues to play the "forward, roll back game" a couple times and the light finally turns red and they are still stuck behind it. the light then turns green again... and he plays the game again. finally, he gets out of his car and she's thinking "okay, he's probably going to tell me his clutch is shot and he's gonna need help getting his car out of the way." but INSTEAD... he walks up to her and goes "hey, why do you keep hitting my car?" LOLOLOLOL... omigod... i was dying. anyway, she was like "you're kidding, right? you're hitting my car." and i guess he was apologizing and all and the light turned green again, and she was just like "you know what? don't worry about it... let's just try to get through this green light, okay?" that had to be one of the best stories i've heard in a while. anyway, her and her friends all decided he must have been seriously wasted cause he was completely out of it. the best part is, if he really thought she was hitting him, why didn't he pull forward and out of the way, why would he just sit there and let her keep rear-ending him??? lesson here, boys and girls: these are the people on the road... not only do you have to worry about old folks, road ragers, and youngins'... but you also have to worry about people under the influence of god knows what. man, that's such a good story, i wish it was mine to tell.