

it smells like coffee in our office

that really has nothing to do with anything. but it really does smell like coffee in our office.

so, i was thinking, have you ever really thought about how many people in this world you truly hate? i was thinking about that today. don't ask why, i just was. i don't think there are alot of people i really hate in my life. i mean, i've had friends that i've gotten mad at and as things change, they are no longer a part of my life, and i probably hated them at the time, but it usually doesn't take me very long for me not to hate someone anymore and just kinda feel indifferent about them. probably because i feel like hating someone takes so much energy. it's not like hating someone just allows you to go about your business and do what you want, you have to actively hate someone for it to be a part of your life. hmmm.... i am done with the blah, blah, blah.