

cluster f*ck 

i heard someone say that the other day and i just thought it would be a funny title. i usually don't censor the profanity on my blog, but as a title it seemed a tad vulgar. but we all know i have the potty mouth of a sailor. did you ever hear the story about "all swingin dicks?" lol. that was a good one.

this weekend went by fast. it's probably because work is so busy that i barely have time to breathe, so i try to do that breathing thing on the weekend. anyway, i went up to LA on saturday, mostly to visit glenn who is now living at his dad's house, and also to get some other stuff done. we had a good time. we had dinner at BJ's and any day that includes a pizookie is a good day.

yesterday was nice and relaxing. actually, it was a day mostly full of sleep which i needed. it was the first day in a long while that i actually got to sleep in. and i also fell asleep in the middle of "girls just wanna have fun" which i really was trying to stay awake to watch. i thought about calling you, chakee, about driving but i was sooo tired. and sorry i never called you back last sunday, but i got your message a few hours after you left it, and figured you sounded busy. maybe we can shoot for this weekend. i have a friend that is supposed to come into town from northern cal on friday, but if she ends up not coming, maybe i can take you on saturday. or maybe sunday. what'd you think? what are you plans for the weekend?

well, work is starting to finally settle down today since there is only half an hour left to go. i should do some stuff for my grad school apps. peace out.