banner mattress... for the REST of your life...
what a clever cookie you are, finally getting that. good for you. LOL... by the way, cit had the best rundown of last weekend. i truly enjoy reading blogs while i'm at work and since my office is down at the end, i really sound like a crazy person as i burst out in uncontrollable fits of laughter. "ooh, a casino!"..... "oooh, SHOE CITY!!" funny, funny.
well, i was there when they finally got len's (julena, but from now on AKA "steal my sunshine") ears pierced. at least ronald was able to keep it together. my mom couldn't even stand 5 feet away from her, much less watch the incident go down. as soon as steal my sunshine started crying, all the girls near us in the store just started frowning, feeling her pain. she got through it like a trooper and in 10 minutes she was just fine and dandy as if nothing had just happened. i got to be photographer for the event because i was the only one who could withstand watching it. i kept trying to tell everyone it wasn't like it was female genital mutilation. have you all heard of that little common practice in other countries? see, now our barbaric custom of ear piercing pales in comparison.
so this saturday is the only saturday i have off this month. sunovabitch. oh well. me and andy have so much running around to do, it ain't even funny. seriously, it ain't even funny, i tell you.
Eh, what's a jigger? JIGGA WHAT? JIGGA WHO??
well, i was there when they finally got len's (julena, but from now on AKA "steal my sunshine") ears pierced. at least ronald was able to keep it together. my mom couldn't even stand 5 feet away from her, much less watch the incident go down. as soon as steal my sunshine started crying, all the girls near us in the store just started frowning, feeling her pain. she got through it like a trooper and in 10 minutes she was just fine and dandy as if nothing had just happened. i got to be photographer for the event because i was the only one who could withstand watching it. i kept trying to tell everyone it wasn't like it was female genital mutilation. have you all heard of that little common practice in other countries? see, now our barbaric custom of ear piercing pales in comparison.
so this saturday is the only saturday i have off this month. sunovabitch. oh well. me and andy have so much running around to do, it ain't even funny. seriously, it ain't even funny, i tell you.
Eh, what's a jigger? JIGGA WHAT? JIGGA WHO??