

so, how do you feel about that? 

ugh, did i mention this is the only full weekend i have off until we go camping? poopy. there isn't really alot of reason for me to save up days for working on weekends, - cause hopefully i won't be taking time out of work days to go volunteer anymore!!!, so i should be able to start taking week days off and getting lots of stuff done.

i'm really so tired of working. not my job in particular, but just working. money is nice and all, but i really believe that if you can find a job when you become an "adult" that you truly love, then you couldn't ask for anything more in your life to be better. we had subjects last Friday and this very topic came up and someone said "if you find yourself in a job that you like and truly enjoy, then you will never have worked a day in your life." so true, i think.

the stresses of wedding planning are really beyond comprehension. money-wise, decision-wise, planning-wise, there really is something very difficult about doing it all. i feel like everything else in my life is being neglected because this is all i do. it's a good thing that andy and kyle are "cleaners" because our house would be in a lot worse shape if they didn't do that stuff around the house.

sorry, i'm feeling a little complaint. did i use that properly? i don't think so. i don't care really... at least this monday morning is going QUICKLY! and we have 4 pairs of subjects this week. whoever heard of such a thing? oh! and I saw some people from the old lab that i used to volunteer in... and they were telling me that i'm looking better these days!!! yes, now that's motivating!