

September 2005, 47 things you didn't know about me 

....i think these ones are the funnest and it's just one of those days.

47. with my co-workers, we can laugh until we cry.
46. i love, love, love "Golden Girls" and will almost always choose it over watching something else.
45. i once farted in front of andy's mom when i was laughing really hard.
44. i am unable to hold a pencil behind my ear.
43. when i see the time is 6:13, AM or PM, i always think of my birthday.
42. i probably only say 80% of the mean things i think. rough, i know.
41. i LOVE adam sandler, and would probably have his babies if the offer was presented.
40. i get really frustrated when i can't figure out HTML even when i know i have no expertise to get frustrated.
39. i realize i'm extremely verbose.
38. i crack my neck and back on a regular basis and it really is a wicked noise.
37. 3:24pm will always mean something to me.
36. i realize that i sleep waaaay too much.
35. after being on salary so long, i don't think i'll ever be able to have a job where i have to be there at a specific time every day.
34. i once had to put my underwear in my robe pocket at a day spa because i didn't realize i needed to be completely in the buff.
33. all of my clocks are ahead, be it 5 minutes, or 13 minutes.
32. andy was the first boy i ever kissed.
31. i still remember the time that me and two other people (who will remain nameless) blew up condoms into balloons. LOL
30. i've been published. i love that.
29. i found my journal from high school, and i didn't realize i kept it up for 5 years.
28. i hate cookie dough - i don't see why everyone loves it.
27. i'll bake a cake for myself just cause i'm craving it.
26. there is really a reason as to why i'm obsessed with my name.
25. i've never really figured out how to stop myself from crying.
24. i LOVE pedicures... manicures? not so much.
23. sometimes it boggles my mind that i'm 27. i'm not sure why.
22. it takes every bone in my body to not cry when someone else is crying.
21. i happen to be related to a few of the best people in this world.
20. someday i will ask my mom all the things i never understood from my childhood, good and bad.
19. i know i'm not a very good catholic.
18. sometimes, when i make eggs and bacon for dinner for me and andy, i often think how lucky i am that he'll eat breakfast food with me at all hours of the day.
17. the sound of tires screeching sends me into a tailspin.
16. i LOVE makeup, but i don't wear makeup every day because i hate washing my face every night.
15. one of me and andy's best talks happened on the drive to arizona right after he got out of boot camp.
14. i'm horribly selective about my friends. this has everything to do with the fact that i genuinely believe my time and love is precious.
13. i'm not as much of a feminist as i envisioned myself to be. amazing, right?
12. i have never figured out how to keep an emergency stash of my money like my mom.
11. money really does make the world go round. but relationships and love keep you sane.
10. i have serious PTSD when it comes to getting calls to go to the emergency room.
9. when people said that it would get easier not having my dad around, i resented it and thought it was impossible. but it was eventually true, albeit never completely the same.
8. although my mom makes all of her children completely crazy, i still believe she is amazing after all she has been through as a child and as an adult.
7. i HATE flying.
6. i still suck at math i need to do in my head.
5. i hate the fact that i still don't know how to drive stick shift.
4. i think my dad is proud of me for having my beemer.
3. i care what kind of stamp i put on my mail.
2. i realize i'm so lazy.
1. i'm aware that i talk too fast.