

so these are friday nights, huh? 

so andy and i didn't have really big plans for this evening. i was actually pretty ready to keep it low key. i picked up andy from work (this carpooling deal is working out pretty well) we went to costco, i got gas there, picked up the contacts that i ordered and we had dinner there. we headed home and just started hanging out and watching TV. ian was thinking about coming over to have andy help him work on his computer, but then called and said he thought tomorrow might be better. so i ended up falling asleep on the couch downstairs at.... 8PM. i know, loserville, right? so i just woke up 20 minutes ago, and i've got a 2nd wind. i was trying to tell andy that we should go party, but let's be real..... first of all, it's not as if we actually know where the party is, and second, we're probably gonna go to bed in like an hour. haha, being old is funny. i'm yawning as i'm typing this.

i really miss the carefree days of sleeping late, getting a few hours of sleep, functioning perfectly fine, and how much super fun clubbing used to be. not that clubbing isn't still fun, but it now brings this added effort that didn't used to exist before. {{{{{{sigh}}}}}}} just put me in my depends diapers and give me my golden girls on lifetime television.