

sharing a peach, literally and figuratively 

don't ask what the title is about. mike brook (our old project coordinator) was in the office today and that came up. again, don't ask. anyway, i had a rough day so i did this.

{{{{{{{{{{{i miss having a passion.}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

(0.5) Time: 8:46pm
(1) Your gender: on a good day i'm a lady
(2) Straight/gay/bi?: straight
(3) Single?: nope
(4) Want to be?: nope... the tax break alone is worth it
(5) Your birth day: june 13, 1978
(6) Age you act: 50
(7) Age you wish you were: 19
(8) Your height: 4' 11"
(9) The color of your eyes: dark brown
(10) Happy with it?: i've always liked light eyes with dark hair, so i guess not
(11) The color of your hair: almost black
(12) Happy with it?: bored actually
(13) Left/right/ambidextrous?: righty tighty
(14) Your living arrangement?: house with husband and dogs
(27) Your family: large, loud, and nosy
(29) What's your job: federal grant research assistant
(30) Piercings?: 7 on my ears collectively
(31) Tattoos?: total, i think SIX
(32) Obsessions? hair products, stationary, pens
(35) Do you speak another language?: pig latin, and francais un peu
(36) Have a favorite quote: NO YOU DIIIIEN'T
(37) Do you have a web page?: a blog

DEEP THOUGHTS about life and you in it
(38) Do you live in the moment?: not really, unless it's a really GOOD moment. i'm a worry wort, cut me some slack
(39) Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: i can hide how intolerant i am
(41) Do you hate yourself?: no, but i frustrate myself
(42) Do you like your handwriting?: i do, in fact
(43) Do you have any bad habits?: always messing with my cuticles, driving fast
(45) If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: the crazy girl and the people that adore her
(46) What's your biggest fear?: drowning
(47) Can you sing?: i can... but not well
(48) Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: i'm totally NOT cool
(49) Are you a loner?: no
(51) If you were another person, would you be friends with you? only because i'm freakin hilarious
(52) Are you a daredevil?: no. i've gone skydiving, but for some reason, that's not really a risk to me
(53) Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself? that i won't accomplish all that i know i can
(54) Are you passive or aggressive?: horribly agressive
(55) Have you got a car?: yes
(57) If you could change one thing about yourself?: to not be so moody
(58) There are three wells, love, beauty and creativity, which one do you choose?: i would wash my hands in creativity, swim in beauty and live in love
(59) How do you vent?: talk to my co-workers, work it out in my own head, bring it to andrew when i'm ready
(60) Do you think you are emotionally strong?: not particularly
(62) Do you think life has been good so far?: absolutely, i'm a lucky gal
(63) What is the most important lesson you've learned from life? everything happens as it should, no matter how much you might hurt
(64) What do you like the most about your body?: my mouth
(65) And least?: my flat fanny
(66) Do you think you are good looking?: not too shabby
(67) Are you confident?: sometimes so much so to my detriment
(68) What is the fictional character you're most like to FUCK: is bobby mercer (aka mark wahlberg) from "four brothers" a ficitional character?
(70) Are you perceived wrongly? no, i really am an asshole

(71) Smoke?: the occasional cigar
(72) Do drugs?: alcohol
(73) Read the newspaper?: no, i'm a bad adult
(74) Pray?: as i see necessary
(75) Go to church? i'd like to say i try
(76) Talk to strangers who IM you?: definitely not
(77) Sleep with stuffed animals?: meya and fidelis are like sausages
(78) Take walks in the rain?: no
(79) Talk to people that hate you?: can't say i do. unless someone hates me and i don't know about it.
(80) Drive?: yes
(81) Like to drive fast?: it's more out of habit

(82) Liked your voice?: i guess
(83) Been out of the country?: yes
(84) Eaten something that made other people sick?: yes, it's part of being ethnic
(85) Burped?: i have some bad ass burps
(86) Been unfaithful?: nope
(87) Been in love?: absolutely
(88) Done drugs?: can't say i have
(89) Gone skinny dipping?: nope, mostly because i've never had the opportunity, but i would
(90) Had a surgery?: minor
(91) Ran away from home?: too chicken shit
(92) Played strip poker: again, never had the opportunity
(93) Gotten beaten up?: nope
(94) Been picked on?: yeah
(95) Been on stage?: many a talent show
(96) Been so drunk that you know you're supposed to go out on a date with someone, but you can't remember with who or when and that you faint when you look at yourself in the mirror in the morning, not to mention your breath?: no
(97) Slept outdoors?: yes
(98) Pulled an all-nighter?: yes
(99) Talked on the phone all night?: yes
(100) Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex?: yes
(101) Slept all day?: with a few awake moments to eat
(102) Killed someone?: nope
(103) Made out with a stranger?: nope
(104) Had sex with a stranger?: nope
(105) Kissed the same sex?: nope
(106) Done anything sexual with the same sex?: nope
(107) Been betrayed? yes
(108) Had a dream that came true?: yes
(109) Broken the law? gosh, i would have to say every time i get in my car. remember how i like to drive fast?
(110) Met a famous person?: oh keanu, i know you still long to see me again
(111) Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: nope
(112) Stolen anything?: yes
(113) Been on radio/TV.?: yes
(114) Been in a mosh-pit?: yes! some scary ass shit
(115) Had a nervous breakdown?: mini breakdowns, i think
(116) Been criticized about your sexual performance?: i'm sorry, what was that again?
(117) Bungee jumped?:nope, i'd like to
(118) Had a dream that kept coming back?: no re-ocurring dreams for me

CLOTHES and other fashion
(119) Shoe brand?: aldo
(120) Brand of clothing?: express
(121) Cologne/perfume?: "falling in love" by philosophy
(122) What are you normally wearing to school/work? depends on if i'm testing
(123) Wear hats?: beanies when i snowboard
(124) Wear make-up?: not daily
(125) Favorite place to shop?: the mall unfortunately
(126) Favorite article of clothing?: pajama pants
(127) Are you trendy?: nope
(128) Would you rather wear a uniform to school?: if colleges started wearing uniforms, that would be a trip

(129) Believe in life on other planets? definitely
(130) Miracles?: definitely
(131) Astrology?: sometimes
(132) Magic?: nope
(133) God?: absolutely
(134) Satan?: yes
(135) Santa?: nope
(136) Ghosts?:definitely
(137) Luck?: yes
(138) Love at first sight?: nope
(139) Witches?: i think so
(140) Easter bunny?: nope
(141) Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: i hope so, otherwise there was no reason to get married
(142) Believe there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?: i can never find the end of the rainbow
(143) Do you wish on stars?: i used to

LOVE, and all that
(144) Did you get frightened or uncomfortable seeing that as a section title?: no
(145) Do you remember your first love?: i do
(145) Still love him/her?: i do, with all my heart
(146) Do you consider love a mistake?: never
(147) What do you find romantic?: doing everything in your power to make that person smile
(148) Do you base your judgment on looks alone?: only as a necessity
(149) If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel?: pity. just kidding!
(150) Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going on a blind date?: blind dates are way too risky
151) Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out?: i think it is socially acceptable. welcome to my bubble.
(152) Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive?: probably
(153) What is best about the opposite sex?: girls are too much drama
(154) Are you in love?: truly
(155) Do you consider your significant other hot?: hotttttt, with extra T's

(156) You wanted to kill?: no comment, but there is someone
(157) That you laughed at?: jenny
(158) That laughed at you?: robin and jenny
(159) You went shopping with?: andrew
(200) That broke your heart? aldryn, thankfully that was AGES AND AGES ago
(201) To disappoint you?: myself
(202) To brighten up your day?: andrew
(203) That you thought about?: my bosses
(204) You saw a movie with? andrew
(205) You talked to on the phone?: my sister
(206) You talked to through IM?: my sister
(207) You saw?: andrew
(208) You told off?: my bosses... but not to their faces

(209) Smiled?: earlier today
(210) Laughed?: earlier today
(211) Cried?: tonight
(212) Bought something?: this afternoon
(213) Were sarcastic?: every moment of my life
(214) Hugged someone?: mike brook this afternoon
(215) Talked to an ex?: i don't have many exes
(216) Watched your fav movie?: big daddy was on this weekend...one of my favs
(217) Had a nightmare?: can't remember
(218) Talked on the phone?: this evening
(219) Listened to the radio?: in my car on my way home from work
(220) Watched TV?: tonight
(221) Went out?: saturday
(222) Helped someone?: today
(223) Were mean?: probably today
(224) Sang?: right now
(225) Saw a movie in a theater?: a few days ago
(226) Said "I love you"?: an hour ago
(227) Missed someone?: daily
(228) Fought with a family member?: not really fought, but last wednesday
(229) Fought with a friend?: i don't have time for that
(230) Had a serious conversation?: tonight
(231) Got drunk?: my mom and dad's anniversary, it's hilarious being drunk around my mom
(232) Got high?: oh, since mcfoodle
(233) Faked an Orgasm?: again, since mcfoodle. (notice: mcfoodle means never)
(234) Ate fast food?:friday

(235) Restaurant?:cheesecake factory
(236) Food?: ribeye steak
(237) Music?: old skizoole
(238) TV show?: sex & the city... sigh
(239) Radio Station?: 93.3
(240) Web site?: blogger
(241) Color?: lavender
(242) Movie?: sound of music
(243) Toppings on Pizza?: pepperoni, mushrooms, red onion, sausage
(244) Subject in school?: psych of women
(245) Song?: right now, better together by jack johnson
(246) Singer or Band?: i don't think i have an all-time fave
(248) Magazine to read?: time
(249) Position to sleep?: on my tummy
(250) Person to hang out with?: andrew, my sister, my coworkers
(251) Time: 9:31pm - that shit took a long time :)