

international coffee commercial

i had a really fun night last night. it was just us girls hanging out at my friend, brenda's, house. it's a cute little loft in lomas santa fe and we just had snacks and chatted. girlfriend doesn't have a tv, so we pretty much had no other option than to talk. but it was four girls, chatting around a coffee table, with cookies, brownies, cheese & salami & crackers, and chips & cheese dip. we didn't have any international coffee, we had beers, but other than that we might as well have been in one of those commercials....

so, can someone please tell me why i'm not sleeping right now??? it is 2am and i can't sleep worth a damn. i tried just laying there and closing my eyes, but that didn't work. then, i tried watching a little tv (and blair witch is on.... oooohhhhhhhh skurrrrryyyy!!!) but that didn't work either, so i went back to just laying in the dark, but then i figured, why fight it, and decided to turn on the computer. i've been looking at stuff on overstock.com and on target.com because i'm looking for something specific, and i WISH i could look on ebay, but those smart folks over there decided that every friday between 1am-3am PST (which is probably a time when most normal people wouldn't be needing ebay, except for us insomniacs), they would shut down for routine maintenance... just my luck, huh? my eyes will not close to save my life and i can't even search for stuff on ebay. which, by the way, i think it is worth mentioning that i received my second item from ebay today and it came wonderfully. the woman emailed me as soon as she recieved my payment and shipped it out on monday... and two to three days later --- VOILA! i get meya's collar. and it is the perfect size. too perfect actually. she fits on the very last notch of the collar and if she gains just a tiny bit more weight... she won't fit it... hmmm... then, i wonder what i'll do next.

i have to report to jury duty in 5 and a half hours... what in the hell am i doing blogging??!!! i'm starting to yawn so that must be a good sign. i'm gonna be so sleepy tomorrow and i highly doubt they are going to let us take naps there. at least ronald will be there so i don't have to be by myself and be insane in the membrane. it would rock to be chosen for a jury, but then at the same time, i'm hoping my day will end early. i don't think you can have it both ways, but if i can, that will be the ideal day for tomorrow. and me finishing fellowship of the ring while i'm there would be good, too.

i watched the 2nd episode of american idol today. neneng and ronald recorded it for me. hmmm... it just wasn't as funny as the first one. i thought maybe it was because i was watching it on tape by myself, but crissy confirmed that it wasn't as good as the first one. bummer. oh well. at least i have the fading memories of enrique on the floor writhing in pain...i mean, singing his ass off. well, wish me luck for tomorrow... hope that i get chosen for a jury but that i will also get to go home before lunch time. dreams are possible... you saw american idol auditions, didn't you?