

how much are you worth?

well, i'm a bit disappointed. bed bath & beyond had the 1st day of their job fair today and since i had already filled out and left an application, all i had to do was show up and sign up for an interview. well, i interviewed and it went really well. the only part that turned out to be a downer was the amount of money they were offering. okay, they were offering FOUR DOLLARS less than i make now. four dollars??!! okay, that's alot of money and i don't know if i can be going that far backwards in how much money i'm willing to make. i was ideally aiming for making at least $1 more an hour than i make now, but i would even have been willing to make maybe $1 or $2 less, but i just couldn't see myself agreeing to get paid the same amount i was making 5 years ago... 5 years ago when i didn't have a college degree, 5 years ago when i barely had any work experience, and 5 years ago when i probably wouldn't have questioned how much i was worth. but you know, things happen for a reason, and it IS five years later and all of these things HAVE changed me. so, i can't go back. i'm just really disappointed... i really wanted to work there, but i guess we'll see what happens. andy says it will be okay and something better will come along, and i believe him, but i just think i would have been awesome at that store. i guess everyone comes across a time where they have to figure out how much they are worth and what they are willing to take... like i've said before and i'll say it again: being a grown-up sucks ass.

this weekend was pretty eventful. we went to the movies on friday, then me, andy, crissy and matt ate at denny's. actually, crissy, matt and andy nibbled on stuff, and i ate a meal cause all i had that day was jamba juice. anyway, it was a fun little double date. on saturday, it was grandma's 85th birthday. i thought i was going crazy because i had done the math earlier that day and i was thinking she was 85, but when i got there, she kept saying she was 84 and there were other people agreeing with her until they did the math, too. but hey, if she's thinks she's 84, she can go right along and keep doing that. yesterday, me and andy pretty much slept the whole day until j, chakee, and trizza came over. andy and me have been taking meya on nightly walks, so chakee came with us and kyle met us at the field. we usually take meya to a baseball field where there is a fence and she can run around like a maniac. the idea is to tire her out so that she's not crazy-insane at the house. anyway, me and chakee walked up to albertsons so i could buy some bridal magazines. i bought one from target (the only one they had) and it completely sucked. it didn't have any dresses i would even consider and the articles weren't too fantastic either. i have a fairly good idea of the wedding dress i want, but i'm just looking to see if i can come up with better ideas, so we sat there looking at the magazines when we got home. chakee and trizza got to "ooooh...." and "ahhhh......." at how "soooooo preeeeettttttttttty" everything was and how they were gonna do it at their own wedding. i think that is one of the funner things about being a girl, envisioning what you are gonna have your wedding be like and when you finally get to really plan it, it's so fun. i don't have alot of crucial decisions i need to make right away since we are waiting so long, but any stress i can alleviate for myself now and make decisions on things while i'm NOT in graduate school will make things that much easier when it starts to get closer to the date and i'm pulling my hair out cause i'm in school. but anyway, i should stop blogging and get back to work. i have a headache from a "cough due to cold" (forrest gump, duh) so i want to be doing as less as possible. i've traced all possibilities of where this cold could have come from, and i'm gonna point the finger at crissy. you drank my beer before i started drinking it and that's the only reason i could be sick. i've been eating oranges like a crazy person, so i know i'm actually pretty health in other aspects, but i'm so susceptible to other people's germs. and now i have your germs.