

i now understand why bears hibernate 

i am so tired. i went home yesterday from work around 3pm cause my migraine was ready to take me out. it was killing me and thank god most of it is gone now, but remnants of it are still eating away at my brain. anyway, andy's dad, stepmom, and sister left yesterday. wow, that entire week/weekend took a lot out of me. right now it's pretty slow at work and i really should be doing GRE studying cause i'm down to 3 weeks of study time left (EEEEEEEKS!!!!!!), but i've been reading other people's blogs, and now blogging myself to avoid it. i'm thinking about postponing it another week cause the weekend before it i'm gonna have to be in a wedding and that is cutting out some critical study time. we'll see... i think i have a chance to change the date up to a week before i set it. i wish i were at home sleeping right now. i want to use every ounce of free time i have to catch up on all the sleep i missed out on. i was averaging about 4 hours of sleep a night and now that i have more time to sleep, i wake up at ass crack o'clock when i don't need to be awake cause my body is already used to it. at least i'm able to go back to sleep. if not, i'd have to find something to do with myself at 4am. and that would piss me off.