

47 things you don't know about me... or maybe you do

i've seen alot of surveys lately, but filling this one out seemed the funnest. here goes:

01. i'm nicknamed "ging" because that was a word i repeatedly said when i was a baby.
02. i've known andy since i was eight years old.
03. i've fainted 3 times in my life.
04. my favorite seinfeld episode is the one when george gets grapefruit in his eyes.
05. i've had two guys confess their undying love (well, that they liked me) in two different yearbooks, two different years.
06. i still cry for my dad every so often.
07. i truly believe EVERYTHING happens for a reason.
08. i snore like a bear in hibernation.
09. me and neneng used to fish for shoes on our dresser with hangers and fishing wire when we were younger.
10. i can seriously keep a secret.
11. i'm unforgiving and i honestly don't like that about myself.
12. for the first 13 years of my life i didn't realize there were other filipino parents out there that acted just like mine.
13. my birth certificate is on a piece of letterhead paper and looks like it was typed out by frank down the street.
14. when toto lived in LA, one night we talked on the phone for 3 hours.
15. when i eat, i will strategically eat my food so that everything ends at the same time.
16. i can burp like a boy.
17. the most romantic thing anyone's ever said to me: andy once asked me to stop crying because every tear that i cried, an angel fell out of the sky.
18. i hate ironing.
19. i was nominated (but lost) for ASB Ball queen when i was a senior in high school.
20. i hate being late with a passion.
21. at one point in time, i wanted to be a child psychologist.
22. i love stationary and writing letters even though email is faster.
23. i once had my period in a van and tainted someone else's upholstery. talk about embarrassing.
24. i usually decide if i like someone within the first minute of meeting them... sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
25. i used to HATE pearl jam, but will now tolerate them because of andy.
26. daisies are my favorite flower because of drew barrymore in "boys on the side."
27. it probably wouldn't bother me if i decided to never have children.
28. i LOVE cigars.
29. one of my most favoritest places to be is in my bed.
30. i've never been stung by a bee.
31. i can say the alphabet backwards.
32. i believe in dream interpretation.
33. i love the smell of softener when laundry is being done.
34. i taught myself how to crochet.
35. i've gotten emailed news updates from cnn.com since septemeber 11th.
36. i once spent 4 hours during a drive to arizona in the car by myself trying to learn the words to the beastie boys' "paul revere."
37. i still cry when i watch "steel magnolias."
38. bank teller is on my "never do" job list because i'm deathly afraid of a bank robbery occuring in my presence.
39. i hate being tickled because my mom would do it to me when i was little until i had to pee in my pants.
40. i got pneumonia when i was 12 from kissing andy out in the rain when he was sick.
41. i really do believe in heaven.
42. there are very few people in the world that i trust.
43. i've fallen in hot tar before.
44. when i was little, i used to make a little bed for my stuffed animals next to my bed because i believed they would come to life at night.
45. the first time i ever got cramps, my dad told me to drink hot water and to this day i still believe that works even though nobody else does.
46. the sound of my mom singing in the kitchen by herself makes me smile.
47. i stopped eating ramen for a year after i got my wisdom teeth pulled out because that's all i ate after the operation and after that it always tasted like blood.