

de ja vu 

how many moments of de ja vu do you have? i feel like i have them all the time. i wonder why that is. my friend, sheila, came over last night to have dinner at our house and it completely felt like a de ja vu moment. and i had one again today at work. maybe the matrix is all messed up. or whatever happens to the matrix when you have de ja vu.

we watched final destination 2 on pay-per-view last night (a big ZERO out of 10 stars). it was lame, predictable, gory, and just all around sad, sad, sad. this is going into the "starship troopers" vault of bad movie choices for andy. basically, don't waste any ounce of time on it. andy kept wanting to just stop it, but i just had to see how it ended. now having seen the end, i didn't really HAVE to see it cause it didn't help the movie one bit.

lotr: two towers comes out today. damn, i wish i had ordered that advanced copy of it so i could have my DVD waiting at home for me. such a nerd.