

i'm going loco 

so, last night, me and andy are chitchatting in the kitchen as i'm trying to pour myself a glass of water. i pour, i drink, i put my glass in the sink (wow, that rhymed and i didn't even do that on purpose!). i start walking back to the room as andy is about to pour himself something to drink and he just starts laughing hysterically and is leaning up against the wall to hold himself up. i go back to the kitchen to see what the hysteria is and he asks me to get him a glass. thinking he's the loco one, i go to get him a glass. guess what. the water is in the cabinet with our glasses. that story wouldn't have been particularly funny, but andy kept telling me how crazy i was. and earlier when we were eating dinner, i couldn't conjure up one complete sentence that made sense. i kept having these fragment sentences that meant nothing. i must have been delirious yesterday. as a matter of fact, i was tired, but that water in the cabinet thing was actually funny.

so, right now i'm supposed to be writing some paragraphs for my statements of purpose for my grad school apps. doesn't it feel like i've been talking about this for centuries? work was pretty slow yesterday and i had my stuff out and everything to start writing, but i just can't seem to do it. i can't even make a beginning sentence to get the creative juices flowing. i just kept a blank word document open for 3 hours yesterday and never once even typed one letter just to start. alright, that's my goal for today. at least one stupid sentence. maybe even one stupid paragraph. blech, and i have to write 7 of these? god help me.