

christmas eve... eve 

i really should be packing right now. really. i'm doing the last load of laundry (jeans) before i can start packing, but i can actually do other stuff while i'm waiting for that to dry. there's really no other excuse but that i'm a procrastinator and i don't feel like it. i can't believe it's already the 23rd. time really does seem to be going so much faster now that i'm older. like it's just whizzing past. it could be because i'm back in "deadline" mode (my app deadlines), so whenever i'm feeling that, i never seem to have time on my side. anyway, i'm just rambling to prolong the inevitable packing.....

so, andy and i exchanged xmas gifts with kyle tonight. we're all leaving (probably not together) for arizona after andy and kyle get off work and we're opening gifts with my mom, toto, neneng, and ronald tomorrow morning. so we had to do it tonight. ooooh... kyle gave me the bomb gift. a gift certificate for a spa treatment!!!! AWWWWW.... see, kevin is such a nice guy. Beauty Kliniek. i'm so excited about it. i've pretty much decided i will probably use it after i finish ALL my grad school applications. after opening that gift, i'm just itching to open more now! i'm gonna have to wait until tomorrow morning. then again tomorrow night at andy's dad's house. then christmas morning at andy's mom's house. and at least my secret santa gift will be waiting for me when i get back. yippee! christmas is here!

oh, i gave my two week notice at my work yesterday. i start my new job at UCSD the week after new years. it will be a great experience for me and i'm FINALLY going to be paid for doing something in the psych field. that's exciting as well. oh, and he did confirm that i will have to get a phlebotomy certificate. if you don't know what that is, it means i will be trained to draw blood. i've never been a big fan of needles (hated them, actually), but after i got that last tattoo (that lasted a big 3 hours) it seemed kind of silly to be afraid of needles. i handle my flu shots like a champ. i'm sure i can do this. as long as i get good training it will be cool to go "i can draw your blood if you'd like." i can't perform CPR, but i'll be able to do that. oh, and i get my own office (with a window, thank you very much), my own work number, and a laptop. i feel like george jefferson. "movin' on up.... " if you didn't get the reference.

i have to pack now. this is silly. we have to get up early to pick up our rental car so i can't put it off any longer. 42 minutes and it will officially be christmas eve.