

thanksgiving schmanksgiving 

so yesterday was thanksgiving and i was not able to appreciate all the good tidings that come along with turkey day. i was hit with a debilitating migraine on wednesday afternoon, but when crissy called to tell me that clyde wanted to know if we wanted to go out that night, i felt like going so i didn't want to say no. i haven't been out for a while, so i just thought i could suck it up and go. the migraine got progressively worse (the beer probably didn't help and the people smoking DEFINITELY didn't help), and by the time we were driving home the nausea attacked and we had to pull over so i could puke. it's a good thing thanksgiving was super late in the evening this year because there was no way i could have gotten out of bed earlier to attend. i didn't even have any turkey. i was going to wait for the turkey to come out of the oven, but i hadn't eaten all day, so i just ate roast beef. i didn't have much of an appetite so when the turkey was finally done, i didn't want to eat.

well, me and chakee went driving today. oh, that girl is crazy. that's all i'm gonna say.

oooh, sofie called me this morning. she's in town and we are going to have lunch tomorrow! i'm excited. i haven't seen sofie in soooooo long. how fun!

well, i'm gonna go do something else. chakee if you read this... i left you a message on your voicemail, but i think i left my cel phone in your car. damn! call me.