

what were you doing at 12:20pm? 

let's see.... what was i doing??? oh, i know!!! i was winning movie tickets on channel 93.3!!!!!!!! YES! i'm the bomb, man. for the past couple weeks, they always do a contest when i'm driving to work, and i was trying to win two weeks ago when they were giving away christmas trees (yes, i wanted the FREE NINETY-FREE christmas tree and not have to pay for it myself), but i wasn't so lucky. but, right when i was driving to work today, they said they were having a contest to win a family 4 pack for "mona lisa smile" and i'm so dying to see that movie! it has all these girls i love... julia roberts, julia stiles, maggie gyllenhall.... anyway, i called and the first time it was busy, then i called again (and because of the rain, i couldn't fully concentrate) so when i was pressing send, it wasn't calling. finally, i pressed send and it started ringing... i was like "do you already have a winner?" and she was like "actually, you're caller NINE!!" and the rest is history. oh, how super fun. i can't wait to pick up my tickets. i just talked andy into calling in sick that day, so now.... hmmmm... i have 2 more tickets. anyone interested? that day is also the day for LOTR:return of the king. i've been trying to buy advanced tickets, but edwards hasn't started selling them online yet. at least i haven't found them. but yes!!! the first time i've won on the radio!! i've been on the radio before, requested songs, made dedication, even told the story about when we met keanu, but i've never WON! so so stoked.

well, i'm gonna take this off of crissy's blog because i like it. here goes:

Ten Things I Miss...

10) Saturday morning cartoons
9) staying up in the summer with toto and neneng watching TV
8) steak-umm sandwiches
7) the excitement (and heartache) of having a crush
6) Podges
5) Not having bills
4) My thinner days
3) my long hair
2) knowing (or thinking I knew) exactly who I wanted to be and what I wanted to do
1) my dad

Nine Things I Hate...

9) being made to feel guilty
8) finding bad things (hair, etc.) in food from restaurants
7) not having money
6) being a receptionist when asshole people call
5) not currently working in the psychology field
4) the color lime green
3) bad driving
2) the fact that I get migraines
1) the sadness of crying

Eight Things I Love...

8) our electric blanket
7) DVR
6) chocolate and almonds
5) ice cream
4) cuddling on the couch while it's raining
3) the smell of babies
2) my family (craziness and all)
1) my love

Seven Things I Remember The Most...

7) the "what is a pedestrian" song
6) getting pneumonia
5) 109991 (I was actually supposed to FORGET this)
4) what andy orders at restaurants because he never remembers
3) andy's, my mom's, my dad's, and my social security numbers
2) walking into the hospital on july 2, 1998
1) specific smells

Six Things I Want To Do Eventually...

6) travel through europe
5) go to hawaii
4) learn how to quilt
3) raise amazing children
2) have something i've written be published
1) have a career that I love and will allow me to be at home when I want

Five Songs I Can Hear Over And Over...

5) "the world has turned" weezer
4) "love you down" ready for the world
3) "i need you" leann rimes
2) "by your side" sade
1) "i will" the beatles

Four Words That Describe Me....

4) unforgiving
3) affectionate
2) moody
1) funny

Three Things I Want To Change...

3) wars
2) animal cruelty
1) negativity

Two People I Want To Disappear...

2) i'll have to come back to these two at a later date

One Thing I Want...

1) To be truly happy forever