

Run-in Chef 

i was thinking about that wonderful little place today. i'm not sure why. but it's funny cause i was thinking about how not only did we LOVE eating at that place, but also about how i've associated some strange moments in my life to that place. for example, that's where i was when i saw one of my best friend's mom's with her secret lover. and like the innocent 11-year-old that i was, i walked up to her and i was too young to even pick up on how uncomfortable she was when i said hi. i figured it out later when my friend told me that her mom was having an affair. tough moment to have when you're 11. also, that's where we were when neneng saw lice in my hair. oh, the run-in chef. what fond memories i have.

i would chop off my left arm for a krispy kreme RIGHT NOW. my period has been rough on me this time around. it's confusing me. i was debating on getting cold stone for lunch even though i had a delicious sandwich waiting for me back at work. i made the wise decision and ate the sandwich.

so, here's a quick story. we have a funds manager for our project who oversees where our federal grant money is being spent. anyway, she royally screwed some things up. and here was what she had to say for herself "oh, i hate it when people say this and use it as an excuse, but it was because of my period." WHAT??? christ almighty, ladies, do not use this as an excuse for anything, namely in the workplace. i told andy this story and he goes "see, that's why women don't get any respect in the workfield." well, no shit. men say women can't be in positions of power because we "get too emotional." ugh, and then a woman like her goes and uses an excuse like THAT. see, if you act like your period is this thing that completely disables you, men will continue to treat women this way. unbelievable.