

is that a tooth? 

i just thought of that today and it has to do with chakee. chakee, why do you have so many things surrounding you that have to do with teeth? okay, so it's actually only 2 things, but whatever.

i'm at work. and i've been really tired. i tested on saturday, and then for the rest of the evening on saturday, i helped andy tile the bathroom in neneng's office. then we tiled the rest on sunday. whew... that man and his side jobs. i get wrangled in somehow, but oh well, it's extra money. on saturday, after we finished tiling, we went to dinner at PF Changs. it would have been a fantastic meal, had the guy sitting at the table next to us not been smacking his fingers when he was eating the eggrolls. he was doing the "finger lickin' good" deal and that makes me want to vomit. i wanted to shake the girl he was with and be like "you let him eat like THAT in public???!!!" it was some foul ass shit, dude. and he wasn't some immature teenager having a nice dinner for the first time in his life, it was like a thirty-five year old man. ugh, as you can tell, i'm still disturbed.

i have been having some really crazy dreams lately. maybe that has to do with tiredness. i had a dream about someone last night and i was trying to talk some sense into them. and this is totally someone i wouldn't have this conversation with. it was just strange.

i have to leave now and go home. i worked a long ass day yesterday, too. i'm glad i'm not a workaholic. or -aholic of any kind, actually. well, maybe i'm a nagaholic. or a bitchaholic. or a foodaholic. or an ice creamaholic. hmmm....