

do you have a skill set? 

i've been working on my resume for the past 2 hours. i'm now down to my skill set summary and i'm finding it's tougher than i imagined. it's like "here's my list of why i'm so bad ass." it's tough.

i have a friend that is having trouble with her boyfriend. i'm sad for her because i'm sure at 25 it is hard to think that this relationship that she has invested herself in for the past 2 years may not be what she thought it would be when it feels like she should be settling down some time soon. people are getting married later than they did 20 years ago. but it doesn't feel any better thinking you could still be alone at 30... or even still be alone at 35... or even worse, forever. i have friends that are still single at 32. this is not unusual, i don't think. but i think that is the age when women start believing they need to be DESPERATE to be married. at least in regard to your reproductive years, there's isn't this shitload of time left. anyway, the reason for this thoughtful diatribe is that amidst this career transition fullabaloo that i'm going through, andy has been fantastically awesome. not that i would expect any less, but not to get hokey or anything, but it impresses me daily how supportive we are with each other. by no means is our relationship perfect, or even anything that i would expect anyone to try to imitate, but on a day/weekend/month that i have felt so unsure about what i will do to continue receiving a paycheck and andy tells me with a wave of a hand "i don't care if you want to quit. if you are being treated badly, leave. fuck 'em." i can't help but feel lucky that there is someone standing in front of me that realizes what i do will affect him equally, but can show me with all certainty, that he has my back. i'm sad for my friend that she doesn't have this same reassurance. i know that the day i need to leave my job, double fingered in the air, guns blazing (a figure of speech), and i tell him "today was the day and i walked out" he will understand and back me. i'm lucky.

"Nobody's going to love me better...I'm going to stick with you...Forever"