

  • Oh, the wonderful rain

  • wow, so the rain hasn't stopped ALL day. it was so nice to wake up to the pitter-patter of rain. granted, i wanted to just stay in bed and snuggle with andy and meya, but it was still nice anyway. meya won't go outside to go to the bathroom because of the rain. usually, if it is raining in the morning, it will stop, and she can go in the evening, but because it hasn't stopped, she won't go. what a wuss. scared of the rain.

    so a freaky thing happened today. a part of a filling in one of my back teeth broke. it's so freakish... there's a gap in my tooth and its weirding me out. the funny story that accompanies this is that i called my dentist to tell them i needed to come in and she asked me if i needed morning or afternoons and i told her that i just needed to come in as soon as possible because i broke a filling (meaning, it is kind of an emergency) and she goes, "well, we have a 2:30 on monday." and i asked if they had anything in the morning because i have to work in the afternoon. and then she says "how about 11:30 on monday?" ummmm... okay, after telling her i needed to come in asap, why would she offer me 2:30 if she had an 11:30am????? i didn't get it. but i did take the 11:30. i just hope all my teeth don't fall out by then. okay, so that's not gonna happen, but this tooth feels so weird!!

    anyway, andy and his friends are out doing their bachelor party thing. my sister and i tried to go out to party, too, but there was nobody to have fun with us. party poopers. we ate dinner at TGI Fridays and came home. my sister is getting sick so she took theraflu and she is either passed out or playing sims. and here i am, blogging... we are such party animals, i know. i did give meya a bath.... yeah, i realize that doesn't help my "we are party animals" argument, but i just thought i'd mention.

    i have a few things i need to do, so i'm not ready to go to bed, but i know the party boys are gonna come in like a drunken raucous. we'll see if i stay up and wait for them. i'll just put a bunch of blankets out cause the boys are gonna have a slumber party and if i fall asleep i know andy will wake me up. he usually can't find the blankets to give to his friends, and with him being drunk will make it 10 times harder.

    well, i guess that's all for me. for some reason, i can't seem to fix my archives page. i know i've done it before, but i'm a little out of it right now. so, sorry if it is lame and just a bunch of html stuff. please excuse our mess, we're under construction. i'm off like a dirty shirt. btw, i have the best boyfriend ever!