

funny story

i got off work early yesterday so me and andy ran a few errands. we had to go to petco to buy meya more food, and we also bought her treats and a toy and all that good stuff we buy to spoil our dog, and i also bought a bottle of dasani water. when the guy was ringing our stuff up, i look at andy and hold up my water and go "this is dog water, right?" and then andy asked our cashier guy "hey, that's dog water, right?" and the guy looked at us and goes "umm... no, that's people water." me and andy laughed our asses off. the guy was telling us how alot of people really do ask dumb questions, and i knew that which is why i knew it would be funny. me and andy are like a comedy duo, it's great.

i forgot to mention yesterday when i was talking about how disappointed i was about turning down that job for bed bath and beyond, that at least i said no to them and not the other way around. that's my silver lining, i guess.

when i got home today, i watched the "diary of gideon yago in kuwait" and it made me cry. almost anything can make me cry, so that wasn't really the big deal, but i was just so saddened by all those marines at the iraq/kuwait border defending what our country has told them to defend. those guys don't want our pity. and i know this. and i know marines.... but that doesn't stop me from feeling the way i do. obviously, how easily andy could be there. and how different me and andy's life would be. that's just what makes me sad. all those people there have families, they have children, and they have people that love them. but they make that sacrifice for their country, and for all those people that they love. i'm not saying that i don't believe that there could be a peaceful solution to all this, but that isn't the reality we live in. we live in the reality that war does exist, and there are people who are willing to go and do as the president wishes. and regardless of whether or not you agree with the president's wishes, we should all be thankful for those people.