

bloggety, blog, blog, blog.....

i don't really have much to talk about it. i'm at work.... i usually don't come in until 12:30pm, but our office manager is in the corporate office all day, so she asked me to come in a little early to back up the other woman that works here and that woman is leaving early cause she's driving to tucson tonight. i don't know if it was the best idea cause here i am twiddling my thumbs, but nonetheless... i'm already here. anyway, we got back from arizona at 3:30am on tuesday morning. we would have gotten home earlier had we not been carrying everything and it's dog on rob's truck, but we came home with oodles of furniture that everyone gave us, so we had to put it on there, then figure out how to cover it cause everyone was telling us that there was a storm in san diego that was moving towards arizona. anyway, we got home alright and now our house looks like it is being eaten alive from the inside out by furniture. it's nuts. i tried suggesting to andy that we put all that extra furniture over at kyle's house until kyle moves in, but andy doesn't want to have to move all that stuff again from kyle's to our house. so, rather, it is piling from the floor to the ceiling with endless amounts of furniture. we're going to have to start burrowing through our tiny little condo because it is coming at us at all angles. anyway, i ought to do something productive. i have a shitload of filing to do cause someone is moving to our corporate office and he cleaned out his office, but i think i will save that wonderful and entertaining task (yup, sarcasm) for something to look forward to later this afternoon. hmm.... GRE studying sounds like a good idea. not really, but i can't avoid it forever, i guess.