

chain letter emails are the devil

so i've checked my email a bunch of times today and all i've gotten is junk email. i hate that. i also hate forwarded emails. well, not really forwarded emails necessarily, but those emails at the end that tell you to make a wish and if you send it to however many people, this will happen to you, or if you don't send it, birds will shit on your car and so-forth. sometimes, if it's a pretty good email, but it says that stuff at the bottom, i'll take it off and forward it away. but yeah, those other ones, make me crazy. it's been a while since i've gotten a good legitimate email from someone just saying wassup. that's a little disappointing, but i guess everyone gets busy with their own lives and whatnot. i don't know why i'm bringing this up, i just am. i was gonna go to costco today after work, but i'm not in the mood at all. i think i will go tomorrow morning, but that means giving up the ability to sleep in. eh, oh well. we'll see what i'm motivated to do when i blow this popstand.

i have stuff to do at home and since i have nothing to do here at work (i'm completely bored outta my mind) all i keep thinking about is how i could be doing this or that at home and it's making me crazy. it's a bad feeling. that's another reason i don't want to go to costco after work. i didn't get home until 6:30pm last night cause i was running errands and at that point, i barely had enough time to do a few things and make dinner. so, i kinda just want to go straight home and see what i can get done. if i could just get a bunch of stuff done and clean my kitchen floor i would be the happiest pumpkin around. maybe we'll just order pizza for dinner. i was gonna make lasagna, but the thought of the effort that would have to go into that is not something i really feel like doing. maybe lasagna for dinner tomorrow night. well, i realize this is not the most exciting blog entry, but i'm completely bored so i can barely muster up more than this. damn, sucker, i still have 45 minutes until i can leave work. calgon, are you there? yes, i would like you to take me away.