

hello internet. my dear, sweet friend

i'm at work today, and honestly, the only good thing about it is that at least we have the internet here. everything is unplugged and unworkable at our house... except for the radio. and that is only good as long as you are changing the stations, and not just different radio stations, they have to be different types of music or you are listening to the same songs every retarded hour. i painted ALL day yesterday. ronald and bobby's mom helped me and thank god they did or i don't know how i would have finished it. we had the radio on the entire time and i think i heard eminem and R kelly every 4 minutes it was making me lose my mind. anyway, i'm happy to report that the painting is all done and we have new carpet in the two rooms. now, we just have to move all the crap. i'm so tired it's not even cool. but i'm not sleepy tired (i am that, but that's not what i'm talking about), but my entire body just hurts. from helping neneng and ronald move their stuff on wednesday to yesterday having to bend and reach and all that poopy stuff just to paint. hopefully, by tonight me and andy will have most of the stuff we need in our room and we can get everything pretty settled by tomorrow night. at least the weekend is here and most of the hard stuff is out of the way. neneng and ronald are almost completely moved in with a few straggling things, but it shouldn't be too terrible. oh, i was gonna do something today. i should try to do it now.

before i go, when i got to work i found out one of the women i work with has CC. lol :) yeah, she's got contagious conjunctivitis (in lamens terms*... that's pink eye) and i just wanted to go "ummmm.... is it your goal to give it to the rest of us?" i've worked with someone before that has had pink eye and i wasn't too freaked out, but i don't know why i am this time. actually, i do know, but anyway.

one more thing before i go: "yeah, i think your fetus is fine. i think it is more damaging to your fetus that you're the father." awww. rough.

*edited to note: Merriam Webster called me up and let me know that i'm spelling "layman's" incorrectly. i wish he would just mind his own business and look at something else... haha.. just kidding. neneng called me up and told me that. if you don't want neneng to point out your spelling/grammatical errors, spell check, people, spell check.