

procrastinating like a mo-fo 

i woke up early to write one of my statments of purpose. my first one that is due, actually. ::::::::sigh::::::::: i don't feel like doing it. is this because i don't have much of a statement? much of a purpose? lol... a little too introspective for me right now when i actually just want to get in bed and go back to sleep. anyway, i had something else i needed to take care of that required me to go to the post office (and i HATE HATE HATE the post office in mira mesa), but i just figured out i could take care of it online. YIPPEE! now, i have to make a choice. do i stay up and really work on my statement? or go back to sleep for a bit and do it before i go to work. i should probably do it now. i promised the professor from san marcos i would get it to her ASAP and i definitely want her to have it before thanksgiving break. what little there is of thanksgiving break, that is. i just need some motivation. hmmm... maybe i should go make coffee. :)

me and andy started christmas shopping yesterday. YES!!!! we just bought gifts for andy's nieces and nephews. i just want to get done pretty fast because the closer it gets to christmas, the meaner holiday shoppers get.

oh, and we saw "elf" on saturday night: why are you smiling? i like smiling. smiling is my favorite.