


Ah, as much as I want to keep her at bay, yesterday was not a good day. Today is a little bit better, only because I've gotten alot of work done this morning and managed to pay some bills. As much as it hurts to let money go, it's always nice to be ABLE to pay bills. It reassures my ability to be a self-sufficient grown up. Anyway, if you don't know (but now ya know) bridezilla is the term for the bride who will kill, maim, cheat, and steal to get her way for her wedding. The RSVP deal is making me batty, but there isn't much I can do. We did get to order Andy's wedding band last night and it's nice. It's titanium and it's REALLY light, so I think he'll like wearing it. And we engraved what I've always wanted to engrave in my wedding band! YES! Now, I just have to get my ring engraved. 

Wow, 2 posts in a row. I must either have alot of time on my hands (I don't think that's it) or must feel the need to blabber. Whatever.

I just realized I used caps and punctuation like a normal person would for this blog. Did I do that yesterday? Wow, what's happening to me??? Not that punctuation and capital letters are a bad thing, but I enjoy being informal in my blog posts.

I get to go to the mall during lunch. I've got an errand to run. Ugh, I'm testing both tomorrow and Saturday. Yay for me. Not really. I'm gonna get back to work. I want to leave for lunch, but I'm not really hungry. Bluewakadoo, what to do, what to do?