

who's spitting lyrics? 

it's really sad when people tell you that you look tired. it's especially sad when you AREN'T tired and you know that you probably just look like crapmania. someone told me i looked tired today, but luckily, i truly am tired. so, it was probably justified like justin timberlake.

i had my first princeton review class on saturday. it was just the intro, and the person who was doing the intro wasn't necessarily your teacher as you may have a class on a different day. but the person running the intro is actually going to be my teacher and she is so hardcore, it's awesome. like i feel like if i'm going to pay that much money for a class (and i indeed, paid for that sonuvabitch myself) then i might as well have someone that is going to kick me in the ass and increase my GRE score like nobody's business. she's cool, though. i'll have to see what she's like come the first class because she may just be so hardcore that i want to jump off a bridge. ah yes, and she refers to herself as the homework nazi. damn, i better get a good ass score.... 7 weeks of nightmarish, busy, all-encompassing hell, here i come!

my mother-in-law came to visit this past weekend. oh, the joys of having a mother-in-law, i tell ya. just kidding... it was a good, very impacted weekend, but it was nice. we ate in little italy on friday night after we picked her up from the airport, ran errands all day on saturday from 9:30am - 8pm, and on sunday, just chilled at home. i'm still tired, even though we took a nap yesterday.

it's funny when people tell you secrets sometimes. especially, when you didn't want to know. but at least people trust you enough to tell you secrets, right? you and i are going to talk at some point, but come on, would you expect anything less?

ok, i have to get back to work... i'm testing today. here's one last thought and look it up as you please. my gre teacher is all about the vocabulary.... so here's a cool word for you spelling bee champs: ignisfatuus.