

changing the world, one pair of eyes at a time 

happy friday 13th to you. a good day lies ahead, i think.

long, long ago i used to be the only person in my family that didn't wear glasses. by long ago, i mean, i started wearing glasses when i was in 4th grade, so yes, it was long ago. anyway, this last eye exam i had, my optometrist gave me a new brand of contacts to try out. anyway, he says that some people have problems with them, and at first i didn't, so i kept them. then, my eyes started getting really red. like i was on drugs kinda red. anyway, i had to keep going back and at one of my appointments, it occurred to me that andy had been having numerous headaches. almost everyday. so i thought he might be getting headaches from staring at his computer monitor all day. long story short, i was wrong, andy went to the optometrist and he actually is far-sighted. he is now a card-carrying member of the glasses-wearing family. so, my co-worker has been getting headaches, too. so i told her about andy. and last monday she found out she is far-sighted, too, so she just picked up her glasses today. 2 people in one week that i have aided in better vision.... i think if i get 5 more people to wear glasses, i get a toaster-oven.

i only have 3 more classes of my princeton review. i can't believe how fast that class moved. i think last time i studied for 6 months. and this time, i'm studying for 8 weeks. nutty. my teacher is still awesome, and it's cool to be in a class of 5. i really should register to take my test.....

isn't it funny how 98% of your life can be going SO well, but then there's this one small part that just makes it poopy? all else is just a smidge short of fantastic, but this one little aspect.... it's strange.

hey, it just occurred to me....one more month and i'll be 27. wow. what will 27 bring me?? i wonder.