

piss poor planning 

oh, thank god monday is over. i had a long ass day. granted, i could have left work an hour and a half ago, but right at the end, i got this spurt of energy and decided to keep working so i can get off early some other day this week. i'm one smart cookie.

i was so tired this morning. i even slept through my alarm going off. i usually shoot out of bed once it goes off, but it had been going off for almost 40 minutes before i woke up from it. scary dude. and on testing days, there is no "oops, i accidentally slept in."

i had a dream last night with chris o'brien in it. very strange. him and these 2 other girls that i went to high school with (i don't remember who they were, but i knew it was girls that i didn't talk to in high school) were in my princeton review class. and all of a sudden, my princeton review class is like 30 people, when in reality it's only 5 people. anyway, nothing really happened in my dream, i just remember him being there. "oh, chris" LOL, right, crissy?

i'm gonna leave work now. me and andy have an evening of dog food buying, target shopping, and tuna melt dinnering to do.