

gloomy gus 

i keep hearing from people how terrible the weather is. why doesn't this weather bother me? i don't particularly like it when it rains for weeks at a time, but i only dislike it because it's inconveniencing to me. but gloomy weather like this doesn't bother me. i know people where weather like this depresses them. i don't get that. like there are so many OTHER things to be depressed or sad about... how can weather affect you that much?

i'm really so tired. i really need to catch up on my sleep. i need a vacation to rest up from my other vacation. :) how funny is that?

it's been 7 years. it's amazing the things that have happened in these 7 years. stuff that he's missed. stuff that we've had to do without him. stuff that i always thought he'd be here for.

what i really need to do is start researching grad schools again. whoa nelly, that makes my head spinski. i'm opening up the areas i'm applying to this time to be north dakota - south and west of there. cross your fingers that i don't end up in nebraska... shit, i probably just jinxed myself.