

being bobby brown 

i know, i can't believe it either, but a few nights ago while andy was taking a nap on the couch, i watched a few episodes of this new reality show. him and whitney are some crazy ass folks. like they act crazy. it must be so strange to have that reality (the insane oodles of money, the fame, etc) and the way they behave is pretty nutty. i probably won't watch it again, but it was entertaining when i was watching. although, the best thing that i saw was that as tumultuous as their relationship seems to the outside world (him getting arrested for allegedly hitting her and saying they were just playing and her not pressing charges for him hitting her) when bobby and whitney are together it's like good times. they just laugh and act silly and that is really how me and andy are by ourselves. we laugh at our own jokes and spend hours making each other laugh. ah, to be in love.

yesterday was just your average kind of 4th. got up, went back to sleep, got up again, got woken up to go with neneng to take julena to the emergency room, got back home and got ready to go to the beach, went to the beach and kicked it with a large group of people - a fair majority of the people i DIDN'T know, and stayed and watched fireworks. yep, julena had to go the emergency room yesterday because she hit her head while running into the door frame to her room. she's fine and the doctor said it didn't look like she had a concussion. he did say though, that she will probably get a black eye. poor kid.

i have to get back to work. the 3-day weekend is over and i'm supremely tired. at least it's already tuesday and it's a short week. hey chakee, don't forget, i'm getting you back for that wasabi ginger ice cream.