

insomnia is poopy 

damn, i can't believe i woke up so early. i actually woke up an hour ago and just laid in bed hoping it wasn't a reality and tried to go back to sleep. not so lucky. i decided not to fight it and get up and download music onto my dell deeshay. i am yawning though, so that's strange. my body seems to be confused as to what it wants to do. actually, don't even get me started on the once turned diarrhea problem that is now constipation. {{{sigh}}}

head... shoulders.... knees and toes, knees and toes.

it was really so funny when julena was trying to get j and auntie helen to dance to wiggles. if you didn't see it, you missed out. that girl is hil-freakin-alrious.

i don't really have all that much to say. although, batman begins was pretty good, but it will always be really hard to swallow a lisping "i'm batman. i must protect gotham because it's not thafe."